Dec 21, 2024  
2017-2018 Faculty and Adjunct Faculty Handbook 
2017-2018 Faculty and Adjunct Faculty Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

9. Governance


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Faculty involvement in the governance of the University occurs in several ways. The most basic way is through the academic departmental committee. Each academic program, and therefore each faculty member, has regular departmental meetings to consider the business of that educational unit. It is from those committees that the various admission, progress, and completion policies for those programs are initiated. In addition, those committees establish learning outcomes, oversee curricular development and propose new degree programs within a given department.

Policies, curricular matters, and program development recommendations move from these committees to the Academic Policies Committee (APC). The Academic Policies Committee is chaired by the Provost, and its membership, is representative of each academic program and department of the University. The APC studies course content changes, changes in course descriptions, and curriculum changes and then makes recommendations to the President’s Council for approval. Final approval for curriculum changes rests with the Board of Trustees. Approved changes are then communicated to departmental faculty via their department directors/chairs by the Office of Academic Administration.

Other faculty involvement in governance occurs through their membership on other committees. For example, the Faculty Handbook Committee is led by and comprised of faculty members. This committee oversees the annual revisions of the Faculty Handbook. These changes may range from editing and formatting to proposing and vetting policy changes. Another important policy and governance committee is the Curriculum Committee. This committee is responsible for leading the institution through the process of developing the seven institutional learning outcomes which have shaped the direction of the institution for the past several years. The Curriculum Committee is also responsible for the Program Review Process. It establishes the program review principles, process and timelines. It is also responsible for reviewing the departmental program reviews and making recommendations to APC relative to those reviews.

Faculty form the core of the membership on a number of other policy and governance related committees. The Faculty Rank and Promotion Committee, in addition to making recommendations to the President for initial rank and rank promotion assignments, the Committee has been commissioned by the President to work on the development of the rank criteria, the promotion procedures, and improvements in the hiring process for faculty. Faculty membership on the Technology Committee and the Distributed Learning committees have also engaged them in the development of policies in the respective areas of responsibility.

A list of committees, their primary duty, and their reporting structure follows:

Adventist University of Health Sciences


(Committee assignments are made annually and current assignments can be found at R:\Committees\Committee List 16-17.docx.)

1. Pulse Week Meetings
   (1st week prior to Fall Trimester)
   David Greenlaw, Chair
   Required attendance:
    All full-time faculty and staff

2. Pulse Check Meetings
    (4th Monday monthly)
    David Greenlaw, Chair
    Required attendance:
     All full-time faculty and staff

3. Faculty Professional Development Meetings
    (Monthly as scheduled by the Chair)
     Edwin Hernandez, Chair Faculty
     Required attendance for full-time faculty

4. Staff Professional Development Meetings
     (Monthly as scheduled by the Chair)
      Steve Roche, Chair Staff
      Required attendance for full-time staff

Academic Policies (1st & 3rd Wed.)

Reviews and recommends all academic policies and processes, including the catalogs and handbooks, to the President’s Council.

Reports to: President’s Council

Academic Chairs

Reviews and discusses academic and operational issues and their potential impact on the academic programs of the University. Makes recommendations for discussion items and/or needed policies to President’s Council and other appropriate committees.

Reports to: Provost

Academic Review (Once a trimester)

Reviews academic progression for all undergraduate students who are not in a program, including those on probation and those who have not met probationary requirements.

Reports to: VP for Academic Administration

Admissions: Undergraduate General Education (Bi-Monthly)

Objectively reviews each applicant to ADU for admission to the University and determines an appropriate admission status as set by voted admission guidelines.

Reports to: Provost

Admissions: Graduate General Studies (As called)

Enrolls qualified graduate students who demonstrate academic and clinical expertise and possess characteristics consistent with the mission of ADU.

Reports to: Provost

Admissions: Program (As called)

Reports to: Department Chairs

Advising Committee (As called)

Evaluates the policies and procedures that pertain to academic advising of all general education students and make recommendations to the Provost.

Reports to: Provost

Alumni Association (As called)

Oversees the functions of the Alumni Association, including events, services, tools, and new ways to keep alumni engaged with the University.

Reports to: President’s Council

Campus Safety & Security (As called)

Makes policy and procedural recommendations to administration relative to safety and security of the Universities population.

Reports to: President

Citizenship Committee (As called)

Upholds standards of conduct by assessing serious or repeated violations, and, when necessary, assigning and recommending appropriate penalties.

Reports to: President

Convocation Committee (As called)

Planning and implementation of the annual Convocation program.

Reports to: President

Curriculum Committee (As called)

Serves in an advisory capacity for University departments and programs, assisting with course and program development, review, and evaluation by describing and recommending processes, models, and timeframes.

Reports to: Academic Policies Committee

Distributed Learning (Monthly)

Examines and acts on issues related to online learning for online and on-campus students.

Reports to: Academic Policies Committee

Documentation Retention (Monthly)

Manages polices regarding when, where, and how to retain official University documents.

Reports to: Academic Policies Committee

E Systems Key Users (Bi-Weekly)

Discusses issues and makes recommendations to change processes that impact the major applications used on the campus.

Reports to: Operations

Editorial Committee (As needed)

Ensures that language excellence occurs in official school documents, such as the Student Handbook, the Academic Catalog, and the Student Housing Handbook.

Reports to: Vice President for Marketing

Faculty Handbook (As called)

Produces both the Full-Time and the Adjunct Faculty Handbooks, including reviewing/editing the handbooks each year to include new policies and information relevant to faculty members.

Reports to: Academic Policies Committee

Faculty Rank & Promotion (Weekly)

Recommends academic rank to the President after examining the credentials of incoming faculty and regular faculty seeking academic promotion and includes study of policies for academic faculty sabbaticals, annual portfolios, and merit awards.  Vets Sabbatical applications and makes recommendations to President’s Council.

Reports to: President

FERPA Information Access Committee

Monitor and control the granting of access to FERPA information to ensure compliance with FERPA regulations.   

Reports to: Provost

Graduate Council (As called)

Oversees graduate education at ADU acting as an advisory body and developing institution-wide policies and procedures including, but not limited to, curriculum, faculty, scholarship, and final projects.

Reports to: President

Graduation Steering Committee (As called)

Works with the President in the organization and implementation of the graduation programs of ADU, including responsibilities for planning the various components of the program, staffing the event, and preparing the printed program.

Reports to: President

Grant Management (As called)

Provides strategic direction on funding opportunities for ADU and acts as an advisory board to the Grant Management Department.

Reports to: President

Health Committee (As called)

Makes policy and procedural recommendations to administration relative to student, staff, and faculty health.

Reports to President

Intellectual Property Committee (As called)

The Intellectual Property Committee shall have the primary responsibility for the administration of this Intellectual Property Policy.  It addresses questions relating to the creation, use, ownership, and licensing of Intellectual Property in consultation with ADU legal counsel; addresses internal disputes arising under this Policy, including disputes regarding ownership or use of Intellectual Property and the distribution of licensing income for ADU Intellectual Property.

Reports to: President’s Council

Institutional Effectiveness (As called)

Oversees assessment processes on campus, reviewing and recommending instruments, summarizing and reporting the results of assessment, and suggesting policies regarding assessment practices.

Reports to: President

Institutional Research Oversite Committee (Once per trimester)
The Committee will provide: oversight for research policies and procedures; oversight for research activities; guidance for research accountabilities; guidance for research opportunities and colloborations with external parties. 

Reports to: President’s Council

Institutional Review Board (As called)

Ensures that research conducted under the auspices of ADU meets ethical standards for research that are congruent with the Mission of the University, the principles presented in the Belmont Report, and the federal requirements presented in 45-CFR-46 (Code of Federal Regulation,1983).

Reports to: Institutional Effectiveness Committee

Library (As called)

Provides guidance and oversight by serving in an advisory capacity to the Library Director regarding library policies and planning.

Reports to: VP for Academic Administration

Merit Awards (As called)

Oversees the nominations for the annual merit awards and recommends the names of the current year’s awardees to the President.

Reports to: President

Online Learning (As called)

Examines and acts on issues related to online learning for online and on-campus students.

Reports to: Academic Policies Committee

Operations Committee (Bi-monthly)

Reviews and recommends all non-academic policies and processes to the President’s Council.

Reports to: President’s Council

Policies and Procedures Committee (Bi-monthly)

Reviews approved policies and procedures to ensure consistency in all posting on appropriate media, i.e. employee manuals, ADU website etc.  The Committee will approve the final content for the Policy and Procedures Section of the ADU website.  The Committee will conduct an annual review and update of all documents containing policies and procedures to maintain accuracy

Reports to: President

Polycom Advisory Committee

To advise and guide the Polycom education model and equipment procurement.

Reports to: Operations Committee

Professional Development-Faculty 

(Will meet Monthly on Monday as called by the Committee Chair from 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm)
To strengthen and expand the professional development training offers for faculty at ADU.

Reports to: APC

Professional Development-Staff (As called)

(Will meet Monthly on Monday as called by the Committee Chair from 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm)

Oversees the planning and scheduling of the professional development workshops held on the University campus for both faculty and staff. 

Reports to: Operations Committee

President’s Council (Weekly)

Functions as the ultimate decision making group deciding what policies and procedures need Board approval as well as directing and implementing daily operations of the University.

Quality Enhancement Plan (Once per trimester)

Develops and coordinates the Quality Enhancement Plan that the University has chosen, providing oversight to the faculty and staff actually employed in the day-to-day running of the plan.

Reports to: President

Registration (Monthly)

Discusses the registration process, identifies problems, and requests changes or upgrades; significant changes to the registration process are first reviewed by the committee and then sent to APC for approval.

Reports to: Academic Policies Committee

Scholarship (As called)

Determines who will be awarded endowed scholarships and the amount they will receive for the next school year.  Makes decisions concerning the cost of attendance for ADU students as it relates to Financial Aid.

Reports to: President

Scientific Review Committee

Ensures proposed studies at ADU that they meet acceptable standard of scientific rigor and merit PRIOR to submission for IRB review.

Reports to: President

Service Learning (As needed)

Serves as the support, guiding, and oversight body for the Service-Learning initiative at ADU.

Reports to: Provost

Simulation Committee (Quarterly)

Monitors the development and implementation of the simulation initiatives at ADU as well as collaboration with Florida Hospital.

Reports to: Operations Committee

Social Committee (As called)

Promotes social interaction and communication among the faculty and staff of ADU.

Reports to: President

Strategic Planning (As called)

Strategic Planning led by the President.

Student Housing Governance (As needed)

Serves as a clearing house for newly adopted housing policies, addresses behavioral housing issues that do not warrant referral to the University citizenship committee, and is responsible for the publishing of the annual Student Housing Handbook.

Reports to: President’s Council

Student Life (Monthly)

Looks at student life from all aspects (Social, Spiritual, Academic, Student Safety, etc.), setting the course for the future relative to the offerings, processes, and programming from the Student Services team.

Reports to: President’s Council

University Mission Committee (Monthly)

The Institute of Spirituality in Healthcare Education aims to assist in preparing students to meet the diverse spiritual needs within the healthcare environment.

Reports to: President

University Research Committee
To promote, support, and advance research at ADU.   
Reports to: APC

Ad Hoc Committees

ADU Blog Team (As called)

The President is an Ex-Officio member of all Committees
The Provost is an Ex-Officio member of all Academic Committees