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8.1 ID Badges
AdventHealth University ID badges are issued at the beginning of the contract period. Each adjunct faculty should make an appointment with AHU Student Services to have their picture taken and an ID badge made before beginning teaching activities. The first I.D. card is free. A replacement I.D. card costs $10.00.
Adjunct Faculty for Clinical Practice: The AHU ID badge is to be worn at all times when in the clinical area with students.
Adjunct Faculty for Online Education: Those instructors teaching in online education curriculum will not be issued an AHU ID badge.
8.2 Office Hours
Adjunct Instructional Faculty: Office hours should be scheduled utilizing the formula of one office hour per three classroom hours. A schedule of office hours should be provided to students. Contract faculty should check with the department in which they are teaching for designated office space.
Adjunct Faculty for Clinical Practice : Two hours of office time should be made available for students each week outside of the clinical area. This should be scheduled during times when students are not occupied by other classes or activities. The individual department will designate an area for this purpose.
Adjunct Faculty for Online Education: Due to the nature of online education, each course will have set forth a schedule of online hours. These hours should be provided to the students. All electronic communication should be responded to in a timely manner as outlined in the contract and online faculty manual.
8.3 Holidays
The University recognizes the following as holidays; therefore, classes are not in session:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
The President’s Council may vary this schedule as appropriate when setting the school calendar. The calendar is published in the Academic Catalog.
8.4 Faculty Meetings
Adjunct Instructional Faculty: Instructional faculty are welcome, though not expected, to attend University Faculty/Staff Meetings.
Adjunct Faculty for Clinical Practice: Clinical faculty are to attend weekly “team” meetings of other course faculty. This time is factored into the employment contract. Meetings are for the purpose of communication and ensuring students receive consistent instruction and treatment. Effort will be made to schedule meetings at convenient times.
Adjucnt Faculty for Online Education: Online Education faculty are required to participate in teleconferences and faculty meeting(s) as called by the course instructor.
8.5 Graduation
Adjunct Instructional Faculty: The commencement ceremony follows the end of the Spring each year. Contract faculty are invited, but not required, to participate in the Commencement Processional. Information on graduation is distributed early in the Spring trimester each year.
8.6 Student Attendance
Adjunct Instructional Faculty: Faculty members are required to take student attendance for each didactic and laboratory class period. The faculty member will record all student tardiness and absenteeism. The last day of attendance will be reported to the Registrar’s Office for class(es) dropped. Faculty will complete and submit an administrative drop form to the Registrar’s Office if a student has not been in attendance for 14 calendar days. Access the Policy.
Adjunct Faculty for Clinical Practice: Student tardiness and absenteeism should be documented according to program and departmental policies and reported to the appropriate course coordinator or program director in a timely manner.
Adjunct Faculty for Online Education: Student attendance and participation should follow the requirements outlined in the contract per the University’s policy. If a student drops a class, the last day of participation should be included on the Drop/Add Form.
Student Drop/Add Policy: Students desiring to withdraw from a class should complete the appropriate Drop/Add Form available from the Registrar’s Office.
If a student is absent for a period of two consecutive weeks, the faculty should contact the Registrar’s Office to initiate an administrative drop. This form must include the last date of attendance for the student.
8.7 Course Syllabi
Adjunct Instructional Faculty: Course syllabi should follow the Sample Syllabus located at the end of this handbook with regards to order and information required. An electronic copy of syllabi should be submitted to the Department Chair prior to the beginning of class for departmental approval.
Adjunct Faculty for Clinical Practice: Clinical faculty do not have the responsibility for the course syllabus, but should be familiar with the course content.
Adjunct Faculty for Online Education: Course syllabi should follow the sample in the Online Education Course Manual template. A course outline, detailed schedule and course objectives should be included with that document. An electronic copy of the syllabi should be submitted to the Program Director and Department Chair prior to the beginning of the course for departmental approval.
8.8 Exams
Adjunct Instructional Faculty: All exams should be given within the regular class schedule. A schedule of final exams is published at the beginning of the trimester. Efforts will be made to schedule final exams on the day and time that the class meets.
Adjunct Faculty for Online Education: Online Education Adjuncts must be familiar with the contents of course syllabi.
8.9 Grading
The Academic Catalog outlines the policies regarding deferred grades and incompletes. Deferred and Incomplete grades should be given only under special circumstances. An Incomplete is given when the student is unable to complete the work after the final withdrawal date within the trimester. (Students are responsible for completing the Request for Grade of Incomplete Form.) The Deferred grade is given when the instructor is unable to give a grade in a timely manner. A Deferred grade issued by the course instructor is to be submitted only with the department chair’s approval. The Deferred grade and Incomplete grade must be submitted when all other class grades are due to the Registrar’s Office.
Faculty are required to submit all grades within the requested deadlines.
All grade books are the property of AHU and must be submitted to the Department Chair at the end of each trimester.
Adjunct Instructional Faculty: Faculty must establish a grading scale that follows the standard practice for their department or program. The University uses pluses and minuses. Grades must be consistent and students must be aware of the grading scale and how grades are calculated. This must be clearly outlined in the course syllabus.
Adjunct Faculty for Clinical Practice: Contract clinical faculty follow the clinical grading criteria and procedures as indicated by the course syllabus and corresponding student handbook supplement.
Adjunct Faculty for Online Education: Grading scales should adhere to the standard practice set forth by the Program/Department. The University does use pluses and minuses. Students must be aware of the grading scale and how grades are calculated. This must be clearly outlined in the course manual. Faculty are responsible to submit final grades within the requested deadlines.
8.10 Educational and Classroom Technology
Center for Educational Technology (CET) has full time instructional technologists who support all faculty on their teaching technology needs such as learning management system (Canvas) support, Examsoft (for secure exams) support, Panopto (classroom lecture capture system), and other various teaching and learning technologies (clickers, lockdown browsers, etc). Classrooms are equipped with computers, projectors, and VCR’s. Faculty needing additional equipment or removal of any equipment should submit a Support Request/AV Request through at least 24 hours prior to the class.
8.11 Parking
Parking spaces on campus are limited. All employees are to obtain and display the correct decal and or parking pass. All vehicles parked on campus without the appropriate decal or parking pass or in a parking area to which he/she is not assigned will be considered illegally parked. Illegally parked vehicles on campus will result in $50 fine payable within 15 business days of issue. A second offense within a trimester will result in the vehicle being towed from campus at the owner’s expense. Access the Parking Policy.
8.12 Building Access
Access to buildings, offices, classrooms, and other facilities may be arranged with the Department Chair or Program Director.
8.13 Response to Course Work Emails
Faculty members are to respond to course work emails within 24 hours whenver possible and no later than 48 hours. Click here for full policy.
8.14 Class Cancellation
Inclement or severe weather: On occasion, circumstances may require an emergency closing of AdventHealth University due to inclement weather. The President or his/her designee will make the decision to close the University at which time Campus Safety will be contacted and the emergency notification system will be enacted to notify the campus population. (See Campus Safety Manuals - Appendix F & Appendix G .)
Florida Campus Closing: In the event the Florida Campus is closed, all classes will be suspended including all distance education courses currently being taught on the Denver Campus. Denver campus and students will receive identical messages through the emergency notification system relative to the closing and re-opening of the University campus.
Denver Campus Closing: In event of the Denver Campus being closed, the campus coordinator will make the decision to close the campus and will, contact all Denver Students through the emergency notification system and will notify the Denver Campus Administrator in Orlando of the closing. Any coursework missed by the student during the Denver closing will made up, per the individual course syllabi.