Counseling assists students in resolving personal difficulties and in acquiring the necessary skills and resources to both succeed in the University environment and pursue productive and satisfying lives. Counseling can help clarify concerns, gain insight into self and others, and teach new ways to most effectively cope and/or resolve issues. Counseling can offer emotional support, new perspectives, and help in considering possible solutions. Other reasons to see a counselor may include academic, career direction/concerns, self-esteem issues, relationship issues, grief and loss, family, communication, stress management, anger management, and physical, sexual, or substance abuse. Counseling is free to all students, and students are encouraged to seek counseling assistance proactively. For appointments, please call 407-303-7747, ext. 110-6074 or email
Online counseling (e-Therapy) is available to both on-campus and online students. Counseling is offered via email and real-time chat. For more information or to set up an appointment, please send an email to Please keep in mind that online counseling is not appropriate for all problems; students should speak to the counselor to determine if e-therapy would be a good fit.
Disability Services
The faculty and staff of AdventHealth University are dedicated to an equitable and exemplary education for all of its students. They believe that equal education is not limited to a physically accessible campus for its students. It also strives to provide necessary accommodations to those students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who succeed at AHU demonstrate self-reliance and are able to advocate for their needs and anticipate challenges in a new environment, as well as address those needs well in advance.
Once you have been accepted to the University you can register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD), To be eligible for disability-related services, students must have a documented disability as defined by the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). A person with a disability is an individual with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Accommodations are decided on a case-by-case basis, using the documentation submitted. All accommodation requests may not be granted. Programs will not be fundamentally altered to accommodate a student.
If a student requests accommodation, the student must provide the OSD the requested current, official documentation related to his or her disability along with the Voluntary Declaration of Disability Form. That documentation will be used to determine the type and extent of accommodation that is most reasonable and effective for that student. The review process typically can take up to 10-15 business days. In particularly busy times, such as the start of a new trimester, this process may take longer. You will be notified by email once documentation has been reviewed.
If criteria have been met and accommodations are granted, the student must submit a Trimester Accommodation Request Form. The student’s instructors will be notified of the student’s needs once the student has completed the Release of Information Form. The instructor will receive an Academic Accommodation letter explaining the accommodations necessary for that student.
For each subsequent trimester, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the Trimester Accommodations Request Form and submit it to the OSD. It may take seven or more business days to notify instructors. Forms should be submitted 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the trimester. This recommendation will ensure timely implementation of accommodations, but accommodation requests will be accepted throughout the trimester.
At any time, students may request in writing to discontinue any information-sharing related to their disability. Students may request to discontinue their accommodations at any time. Questions or concerns should be brought to the attention of the OSD.
Please note that school plans, such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plans, are not sufficient documentation to establish the rationale for accommodations in a university setting. Original documents are not necessary, a copy or fax of the material is sufficient. If documentation is incomplete or otherwise inadequate to determine the disability and/or reasonable accommodations, the OSD will require additional documentation. Documentation costs are to be paid by the student.
If you would like ODS to be able to discuss your disability or accommodations with persons or agencies outside of AHU (including your parents if you are over the age of 18), you must complete a Release of Information Form.
Denied accommodation requests may be appealed in writing by a student to the Senior Vice President of Student Services. Such appeals must be filed within ten calendar days of the receipt of the denial of accommodation request.
For more information regarding Academic Accommodations, please contact Betty Varghese at 407-303-7747, ext. 110-6074.
Club and Organizations
AdventHealth University clubs and organizations have been established to help students prepare for success in their futures careers. Below is a list of the clubs and organizations currently active on campus.
All prospective campus clubs must make application for approval before they are allowed to function on any AdventHealth University campus. Campus club requirements and requisite forms to make application are located online at, or may be obtained at the Office of Student Services. Campus clubs must have strong healthcare components, tying them closely to the professional medical programs offered at AHU. As a private institution, the administration of AdventHealth University reserves the right to deny the organization or function of any club whose goals, objectives, or activities are or would be counter to the mission and beliefs of AHU.
Pre-Med Society
Russ Butler
NB 101
(407) 303-7747 ex. 110-6412
Pre-Physician Assistant Society
Bryan Lounsberry
GE 120
(407) 303-7747 ex. 110-9883
Pre-Therapy Club
Glenice DeBique
NB 105
(407) 303-7747 ex. 110-9841
Student Nursing Association
Stacey Hawes
NB 222
(407) 303-5767
Marika Whitaker
NB 210
(407) 303-7747 ex. 110-1045
SOTA (Student Occupational Therapy Association)
Christine Moghimi
GB 336
(407) 303-7747 ex. 110-4941
Student Activities
The Office of Student Services provides a variety of opportunities designed to enhance students’ social and relational experiences throughout the year. AHU student activities include the International Food Festival, Welcome Week, Spring Picnic, Summer Cool Down, Fall Festival, and much more. The dates of these events are published in the Student Planner and are communicated using your AHU student email and/or text message. Students interested in hosting or volunteering for an event should contact the Director of Student Life in the Office of Student Services at (407) 303-5525.
Student Planner
Student Planners are available (while supplies last) free of charge at the Office of Student Services, located on the first floor of the Campus Center.
Service-Learning Requirements
Service-Learning is required of all students at AdventHealth University. Service-Learning combines academic subject matter in a given discipline with service within the community or for a given population. Guided reflection is a key component of Service-Learning; students will integrate their service experience(s) with classroom knowledge to enhance the learning process. Service-Learning projects contain learning objectives and measures and are credit-bearing (graded).
For questions or concerns about Service-Learning requirements, please contact the Director of Community Engagement in the Student Services Department.
Welcome Day
AdventHealth University wants to make the transition into each trimester as smooth as possible, since it can be a challenge adjusting to a new academic environment. Therefore, AHU provides students with free lunch, networking opportunities with other students, staff, and faculty, a chance to become involved in various clubs and organizations on campus, and a time to win fun prizes and grab some freebies! Students will be notified via AHU student email and/or text for more information regarding this and other campus life events.