Sep 15, 2024  
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information

Blended Education

Blended learning includes content and activities delivered in a web-based format, while other content and activities are offered in a classroom setting. The blended course promotes learning that is interactive and engaging for students in the classroom, but also allows them the autonomy to learn at their own pace outside the classroom. In the blended format, a portion of the course activities will be completed on campus or through synchronous interactive video to provide real-time contact with course instructors. Course activities may include, but are not limited to, lecture content, case scenarios, chats or discussions, exams, and clinical involvement. Real-time interactions may occur via technological interactives, such as Polycom, Wimba or Skype.

Distance Education

Simulating the best of classroom learning, distance education is a blend of best practices in synchronous and asynchronous learning. All distance courses require regular real-time interaction in small groups providing strong student engagement, tracking learning accountability, fostering collaboration and community building, and enhancing instructor presence. Audio lectures and interactive content enhance comprehension and retention. The individual attention provided to distance students helps the instructor know each student as more than just a name. Integrated within a course management system, distance learning delivers education to students located anywhere without compromising quality, rigor, or integrity.

Degree Requirements and Graduation

All incomplete, deferred, and missing grades must be resolved before a student can graduate.

All students must submit a Graduation Application to initiate the graduation process. These applications are available on the University website. Students anticipating completion of degree requirements must file this form with the Office of the Registrar by the date indicated on the form. Failure to meet the deadline will result in being unable to participate in the graduation ceremony. Please contact the Office of the Registrar for more information.

All degree candidates are encouraged to participate in the graduation ceremony. A graduation fee (see the Fee Schedule  section) will be assessed the last trimester students are in attendance before completing their degree requirements.

Students will be recommended for graduation and eligibility for the certification examination (where applicable) when they:

  1. Meet all the requirements of Adventist University of Health Sciences and the Academic Program.
  2. Participate and complete all of the requirements of the Adventist University Colloquium Series
  3. Complete the degree with a cumulative grade point average as required by each program.
  4. Meet the specific requirements of each program as outlined in the departmental section of this Academic Catalog.
  5. Meet all the requirements of the accrediting/approval bodies for licensure and certification (where applicable).
  6. Complete all required clinical experiences.
  7. Complete all courses specific to the professional discipline with the required minimum grade (refer to Progression and Completion sections of the professional programs for more information).
  8. Complete the overall sequence of graduate courses with a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
  9. Successfully complete the graduate capstone requirement (refer to Program Handbook for more information).

Graduate Capstone

The Adventist University graduate capstone is a scholarly report on a study, grant, or project which synthesizes and/or applies current evidence and knowledge from the student’s respective master’s degree programs.

Policies and Procedures

Academic Advising

Academic advising is provided to all Adventist University students. Advisors assist with setting academic goals, interpreting academic policies and procedures, course selection, registration, and personal development. Advisors may refer students to additional resources as needed.

All students are assigned an academic advisor upon acceptance to ADU. Students must contact their academic advisor prior to the beginning of each trimester for course selection and approval and to monitor progress toward their educational and career goals.

Academic Appeal

Should a student have an academic grievance concerning a grade or other matters concerning a particular course, he or she should follow the appeal procedure outlined below:

  1. The student should discuss the grievance with the instructor involved no later than five business days after the incident prompting the grievance.
  2. The instructor must respond to the student within five business days of the appeal.
  3. If the grievance is not resolved, a written statement should be submitted to the department chair no later than ten business days after the instructor’s response. The chair will then speak with the instructor involved and reply in writing to the student within five business days of receiving the student’s written statement. In departments where there is a program director, and when it is appropriate, the written statement may be submitted to that individual. The program director will respond within five business days of receipt of the statement. If the matter is not resolved, the student may appeal in writing to the department chair who will respond within five business days.
  4. If a resolution has not been reached, the student may request that all materials concerning the grievance be given to the Office of Academic Administration. This individual will then review the grievance materials and return a written decision within ten business days of their receipt. The decision of the Office of Academic Administration is final.

Should a student have an academic grievance concerning a decision of his or her academic program, he or she should follow the appeal procedure outlined below:

  1. The student should discuss the grievance with the department chair no later than five business days after the decision prompting the grievance.
  2. The department chair must respond to the student within five business days of the appeal.
  3. If resolution has not been reached, a written statement should be submitted to the Office of Academic Administration no later than ten business days after the chair’s response. This individual will then speak with the department chair and reply in writing to the student within ten business days of receiving the student’s written statement. The decision of the Office of Academic Administration is final.

See specific program policies for appeal processes related to clinical learning experiences.

Complaints against specific graduate programs may be referred to the appropriate accrediting body after all internal mechanisms for resolution have been exhausted.

Academic Dismissal

A student is subject to academic dismissal when any of the following occur:

  • Earning a cumulative GPA below 3.00 during any trimester.
  • Displaying a high degree of academic irresponsibility in matters of course attendance or class assignments.
  • Displaying a high degree of academic dishonesty (See Academic Integrity section).

Academic Evaluation

The following grading system records students’ achievements and computes their progress:

Grade Quality Points
A 4.00
B 3.00
C 2.00
D 1.00
F 0.00

Additional Designations

Grade Explanation
AU  Audit
CR Credit Received
DG Deferred Grade1
I Incomplete work 2
IP In Progress
NP No Pass
NR No Recorded Grade
P Pass
W Withdrawal from a course
WF Withdrawal from course (failing)

1 This designation is given at the initiative of the instructor when he or she is unable to submit a final grade.

2 Students must apply for an incomplete grade prior to the end of the trimester (see the Fee Schedule  section for charges).

Audit Policy

Any student has the option to audit a course. An audited course does not contribute toward grade point average, does not meet degree requirements, and does not count toward residency requirements or financial aid hours. The student may participate in all aspects of a course, but will not receive a grade or trimester credit. A student who registers for an audit must do so within the drop/add period. The designation “AU” will be placed on the transcript for each audited course. Students who wish to audit a professional program course must receive permission from the department chair. The tuition rate for audited courses is listed in the Fee Schedule in the Financial Information section. Auditing is not an option for courses in the professional clinical programs.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

A student’s grade point average for admission, academic standing, and graduation is based on the quality points assigned to each of the letter grades listed above (A-F). Non-letter grade designations (AU, DG, etc.) do not earn quality points and do not affect the grade point average. Adventist University of Health Sciences (ADU ) uses the following GPA designations:

Trimester GPA

GPA for each term.

ADU Residency GPA

All courses taken at ADU.


Includes only coursework at ADU and does not include transfer credits.

Admission GPA

All credits earned both at ADU and at previously attended institutions (used for general College admission and for program admission).

Incomplete Policy

An Incomplete (I) is assigned when an approved or extenuating personal circumstance prevents a student who is passing a course for completion of final assignments and other course requirements by the end of the trimester. Circumstances may include, but are not limited to, illness, the death of a family member, a family emergency, program remediation, or extension/interruption to clinical schedule. Students must request an incomplete grade in writing from the course instructor prior to the end of the course. The instructor determines whether an Incomplete grade is appropriate and submits the completed Request for Incomplete Grade Form to the Office of the Registrar with approval from the department chair.

To change an Incomplete, a student must submit all completed work assigned by the department. If required work is not completed by the established deadline, the Incomplete will automatically be changed to the grade noted on the Request for Incomplete Grade Form. Students may have up to the end of the following trimester to complete the outstanding assignments. A student who cannot complete course requirements by the specified deadline may request an extension from the instructor and department chair. Incompletes issued for the spring term must be completed by the end of the summer to ensure that the updated grades and hours may be reported to the State so funding may be verified.

Students are assessed a fee for the processing of an Incomplete grade. Refer to Fee Schedule  in this Academic Catalog.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is fundamental to the vision and mission of Adventist University of Health Sciences. We place a high value on truth, which implies a corresponding intolerance of academic dishonesty. It is important that all students are judged on their ability, and that no student is unfairly allowed an advantage over others, affects the security and integrity of the learning process, or diminishes the reliability and quality of a conferred degree. To graduate ethical, skilled professionals and citizens is a desired outcome of the University.

Ethical and Professional Behavior

Students are expected to adhere to the ethical and professional standards associated with their programs and academic courses. Such standards are generally communicated to students by instructors and are available through publications produced by professional organizations. Unethical or unprofessional behavior will be treated in the same manner as academic dishonesty.

Categories of Academic Misconduct

The following document is concerned with students’ actions - not their intentions. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following actions:

Cheating on Examinations

Cheating is using or attempting to use materials, information, notes, study aids or other assistance in any type of examination or evaluation which has not been authorized by the instructor.


  1. Students completing any type of examination or evaluation are prohibited from looking at another student’s materials and from using external aids of any sort (e.g., books, notes, calculators, electronic resources, or conversation with others) unless the instructor has indicated specifically in advance that this will be allowed.
  2. Students may not take examinations or evaluations in the place of other persons. Students may not allow other persons to take examinations or evaluations in their place.
  3. Students may not acquire unauthorized information about an examination or evaluation and may not use any such information improperly acquired by others.


Plagiarism is intentionally or carelessly presenting the work of another as one’s own. It includes submitting an assignment purporting to be the student’s original work which has wholly or in part been created by another person. It also includes the presentation of the work, ideas, representations, or words of another person without customary and proper acknowledgment of sources. Students must consult with their instructors for clarification in any situation in which the need for documentation is an issue. Students will have plagiarized in any situation in which their work is not properly documented.


  1. Every direct quotation must be identified by quotation marks or appropriate indentation and must be properly acknowledged by parenthetical citation in the text, in a footnote, or in an endnote.
  2. When material from another source is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in one’s own words, that source must be acknowledged in a footnote or endnote or by parenthetical citation in the text.
  3. Information gained in reading or research that is not common professional knowledge must be acknowledged in a parenthetical citation in the text or in a footnote or in an endnote.
  4. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the use of papers, reports, projects, and other such materials prepared by someone else.

Fabrication, Forgery and Obstruction

Fabrication is the use of invented, counterfeited, altered, or forged information in assignments of any type including those activities done in conjunction with academic courses that require students to be involved in out-of-classroom experiences. Forgery is the imitating or counterfeiting of images, documents, signatures, and the like. Obstruction is any behavior that limits the academic opportunities of other students by improperly impeding their work or their access to educational resources.


  1. Fabricated or forged information may not be used in any laboratory experiment, report of research, or academic exercise. Invention for artistic purposes is legitimate under circumstances explicitly authorized by an instructor.
  2. Students may not furnish to instructors fabricated or forged explanations of absences or of other aspects of their performance and behavior.
  3. Students may not furnish, or attempt to furnish, fabricated, forged, or misleading information to University officials on University records or on records of agencies in which students are fulfilling academic assignments (including clinical sites, service learning, etc.).
  4. Students may not steal, change, or destroy another student’s work. Students may not impede the work of others by the theft , defacement, or mutilation of resources so as to deprive others of their use.
  5. Students may not access or use patient information in ways that violate HIPPA regulations.

Multiple Submissions

Multiple submission is the submission of the same or substantially the same work for credit in two or more courses. Multiple submission shall include the use of any prior academic effort previously submitted for academic credit at this or a different institution. Multiple submission shall not include those situations where the prior written approval of the instructor in the current course is given to the student to use a prior academic work or endeavor.


  1. Students may not normally submit any academic assignment, work, or endeavor in more than one course for academic credit of any sort. This will apply to submission of the same or substantially the same work in the same trimester or in different trimesters.
  2. Students may not normally submit the same or substantially the same work in two different classes for academic credit even if the work is being graded on different bases in the separate courses (e.g., graded for research effort and content versus grammar and spelling).
  3. Students may resubmit a prior academic endeavor if there is substantial new work, research or other appropriate additional effort. The student shall disclose the use of the prior work to the instructor and receive the instructor’s permission to use it PRIOR to the submission of the current endeavor.
  4. Students may submit the same or substantially the same work in two or more courses with prior written permission from all faculty involved. Instructors will specify the expected academic effort applicable to their courses, and the overall endeavor shall reflect the same or additional academic effort as if separate assignments were submitted in each course. Failure by the student to obtain written permission from each instructor shall be considered a multiple submission.


Complicity is assisting or attempting to assist another person in any act of academic dishonesty.


  1. Students may not allow other students to copy from their papers during any type of examination.
  2. Students may not assist other students in acts of academic dishonesty by providing material of any kind that one may have reason to believe will be misrepresented to an instructor or other University official.
  3. Students may not provide substantive information about test questions or the material to be tested before a scheduled examination unless they have been specifically authorized to do so by the course instructor. This does not apply to examinations that have been administered and returned to students in previous trimesters.

Misconduct in Research Endeavors

Misconduct in research is serious deviation from the accepted professional practices within a discipline or from the policies of the University in carrying out, reporting, or exhibiting the results of research or in publishing, exhibiting, or performing creative endeavors. It includes the fabrication or falsification of data, plagiarism, and scientific or creative misrepresentation. It does not include honest error or honest disagreement about the interpretation of data.


  1. Students may not invent or counterfeit information.
  2. Students may not report results dishonestly, whether by altering data, by improperly revising data, by selective reporting or analysis of data, or by being grossly negligent in the collecting or analysis of data.
  3. Students may not represent another person’s ideas, writing, or data as their own.
  4. Students may not appropriate or release the ideas or data of others when such data have been shared in the expectation of confidentiality.
  5. Students may not publish, exhibit, or perform work in circumstances that will mislead others. They may not misrepresent the nature of the material or its originality, and they may not add or delete the names of authors without permission.
  6. Students must adhere to all federal, state, municipal, and University regulations for the protection of human and other animal subjects.
  7. Students may not conceal or otherwise fail to report any misconduct involving research, professional conduct, or artistic performance of which they have knowledge.

Computer Misuse

Use of computers that is disruptive, unethical, or illegal use of the University’s computer resources, including any actions which violate the ADU Student Computer Use Policy is prohibited. Misuse of computers also includes disruptive, unethical, or illegal use of the computers of another institution or agency in which students are performing part of their academic program.


  1. Students may not use the University computer system in support of any act of plagiarism.
  2. Students may not monitor or tamper with another person’s electronic communications.
  3. Students may not use University computer resources to engage in illegal activity, including but not limited to the following: illegally accessing other computer systems, exchanging stolen information, and violating copyright agreements which involve soft ware or any other protected material.
  4. Students may not use any University computer as a host system for any unauthorized service or application.

Misuse of Intellectual Property

Misuse of intellectual property is the illegal use of copyright materials, trademarks, trade secrets, or intellectual properties.


  1. Students may not violate the University policy concerning the fair use of copies. This policy can be found in the ADU Academic Catalog.

Policies and Procedures for Dealing with Academic Misconduct

Students suspected of academic misconduct, whether acknowledging involvement or not, shall be allowed to continue in the course without prejudice pending completion of the disciplinary process. If the instructor must submit a final course grade before the case is resolved, then the student should be given an “Incomplete,” which will not affect his or her GPA.

  1. An instructor or other staff member who suspects a student of academic misconduct or receives a complaint alleging misconduct that raises suspicion may consult the Office of Academic Administration to learn whether there is any record of prior academic misconduct. The instructor will inform the student in writing within seven (7) days of discovering the misconduct. The instructor will include in the letter that he or she desires to meet with the student to discuss the allegation. The student must respond within seven (7) days from the date of the letter.
  2. The instructor reviews all evidence, interviews any witnesses, meets with the student to discuss the allegation and to hear the student’s explanation. The instructor makes a decision regarding the allegation. The student may have an Adventist University faculty or staff member of their choice accompany him or her to the meeting with the instructor, if they choose.
  3. If the student does not respond to the notification within seven (7) days, the instructor continues with the investigation and report without the student’s input.
  4. If the instructor determines that the student has not violated the policy, the student will be notified in writing within seven (7) days of meeting with the instructor, whether or not the student responded.
  5. If the instructor determines that the student has violated the policy, the instructor completes the Academic Dishonesty Report Form (ADRF) within five (5) days of the initial meeting with the student or from the end of the student’s seven (7) day response period. The student then has five (5) business days to respond and to attend a formal meeting with the instructor.
  6. If the student fails to respond, the instructor completes the Academic Dishonesty Report Form and imposes a final academic sanction which may include referring the matter to the Office of Academic Administration.
  7. If the student responds, the student is given the ADRF and is asked to initial and sign the appropriate response. The student may have an Adventist University faculty or staff member of his or her choice accompany him or her to this meeting with the instructor if they choose.
  8. A copy of the ADRF is given to the student (if he or she responds), Academic Administration, and the Department Chair. A copy is also given to the University Disciplinary Committee if the matter is referred to them.
  9. If the instructor takes no action within (5) five days of meeting with the student, the allegations will be considered dismissed.

The disciplinary authority of Adventist University of Health Sciences (ADU ) is vested in the President, those asked by the President to act on his or her behalf, and in the committees and administrators of ADU for whom jurisdiction may be conferred for specific cases or specific areas of responsibility.

If violations of academic integrity come to light subsequent to a student’s graduation from the University, the instructor, program director, or department chair may make recommendations for disciplinary action to the Office of Academic Administration. This action may include nullification of the degree awarded. Decisions of this nature may be appealed to the President of the University.

Disciplinary Sanctions for Academic Misconduct

Sanctions will be imposed according to the severity of the misconduct. Multiple sanctions may be imposed should the behavior call for the imposition of a more severe penalty. In all cases, the University reserves the right to require counseling or testing of students as deemed appropriate. Definitions of disciplinary sanctions include the following:

  1. Academic action
    • May include altering a grade or assigning a failing grade for the assignment, examination, or course.
  1. Disciplinary report
    • All academic misconduct and sanctions are recorded on an Academic Dishonesty Report Form, which is kept on file with the Office of Academic Administration for the duration of the student’s attendance at the University. If academic misconduct reoccurs, the report will be taken into consideration in determining further sanctions.
  1. Restitution
    • Students are required to compensate the University or other persons for damages, injuries, or losses. Failure to comply could result in suspension or dismissal.
  1. Probation
    • There may be specific restrictions or extra requirements placed on the student for a specified period. These may vary with each case and may include action not academically restrictive in nature, such as restriction from participation in University activities or other requirements. Disciplinary action should be consistent with the philosophy of providing constructive learning experiences as a part of the probation. A student may be required to meet periodically with designated persons. Any further misconduct on the student’s part during the period of probation may result in disciplinary suspension or dismissal.
  1. University suspension
    • Suspension prohibits the student from attending the University. It prohibits the student from being present on specified University-owned, leased, or controlled property without permission for a specified period of time. Students placed on University disciplinary suspension must comply with all suspension requirements. A student seeking to attend the University after the conclusion of his or her suspension may apply for readmission to the University.
  1. University dismissal
    • Dismissal permanently prohibits the student from attending classes at the University and permanently prohibits the student from re-enrolling at the University.


The following institution’s policies were the sources referred to for guidance in the creation of the Adventist University Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures for Dealing with Academic Misconduct:

  • The University of Cincinnati
  • The University of New Orleans
  • Rutgers University
  • Iowa State University
  • Central Michigan University

Copyright Policy

1. Introduction

Adventist University of Health Sciences expects all members of the University community to make a good faith effort to respect the rights of copyright owners. This policy serves to affirm the University’s commitment to comply with copyright law, to educate members of the University community about copyright law and rights available under that law, and to provide a standard approach for addressing complex copyright issues. This policy outlines the relevant statutes, codifies University practices relevant to copyright, and recommends tools by which faculty, staff, and students can ensure they respect the rights of copyright owners.

2. Copyright Basics

2.1 . The Extent of Copyright

Copyright is the right of an author, artist, or other creator of an original work of authorship to control how his or her work is used. Under the United States copyright law (title 17, U.S. Code), copyright attaches the moment the original work of authorship is fixed in any tangible form-no formal registration is necessary. Copyright protection extends to literary works; musical works; dramatic works; pantomimes and choreographic works; pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works; sound recordings; and architectural works. Ideas, concepts, principles, procedures, processes, methods of operations, and discoveries are not protected by copyright.

United States copyright law grants copyright owners the exclusive rights to copy and/or distribute their work, to create derivative works, and to publicly perform or display their work (17 U.S.C Section 106). There are limitations on these rights, but in general the unauthorized reproduction, performance, display, or distribution of a copyrighted work is copyright infringement and may subject the infringer to civil and criminal penalties.

2.2. Limitations on Exclusive Rights

The exclusive rights of copyright owners have several limitations placed on them by copyright law. These limitations include copyright term limits, the first sale doctrine, special classroom exceptions, reproduction by libraries and archives, and fair use. Uses that fall under these limitations are allowed without the permission of the copyright owner. For any other use of copyrighted materials, the user must seek permission from the copyright owner.

2.2.1. Copyright Term Limits and Public Domain (Sections 301 - 305)

Copyright protection is not eternal. In the United States, copyright now lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years. For works where the author is unknown or the copyright owner is a corporation, copyright lasts for the shorter of 120 years from the creation date or 95 years from the publication date (17 U.S.C Section 302). Once a work’s copyright term expires, it enters the public domain and can be freely used by anyone without permission. Works created by officers or employees of the United States government as part of their official duties are also part of the public domain; however, works published by state governments may be copyrighted.

All works published before 1923 have entered the public domain, and other works will be added as their copyright terms expire. For more information and guidelines for determining the copyright status of a work, see Cornell University’s “Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States” ( and the American Library Association’s Digital Copyright Slider (

2.2.2. The First Sale Doctrine (Section 109)

Section 109 (17 U.S.C Section 109) grants certain rights to the owner of a particular copy of a copyrighted work. The owner of the copy may, without permission, publicly display or sell it. The owner may also lend or lease his or her copy, though the commercial lending or leasing of computer software and sound recordings is specifically prohibited.

The first sale doctrine provides libraries with the right to lend out books and movies. Section 109 also gives libraries and non-profit education institutions the special right to lend computer software and sound recordings.

2.2.3. Special Classroom Exceptions (Section 110)

In a strict sense, any presentation of a copyrighted work in a classroom, such as reading aloud from a textbook, qualifies as a public display or performance and requires permission from the copyright owner. While drafting the copyright law, Congress was aware of the need of teachers to present copyrighted material during their lessons. Schools could not function if teachers had to obtain permission before discussing any copyrighted works in class. Section 110 (17 U.S.C Section 110) addresses this problem by granting teachers and students the right to perform or display copyrighted works in face-to-face teaching situations.

For a use to qualify under the exception granted by section 110, it must meet a number of requirements. The display or performance must be an integral part of the class, must be supervised by an instructor, must take place in a classroom or similar location, and must be open only to members of the class. Also, the copies displayed or performed must be lawfully obtained.

In 2002, Congress passed the TEACH act, which extends section 110 rights to distance education. TEACH allows the digital transmission of “a performance of a nondramatic literary or musical work or reasonable and limited portions of any other work, or display of a work in an amount comparable to that which is typically displayed in the course of a live classroom session” (17 U.S.C Section 110); digital educational works (works marketed specifically for transmission in distance education) are not covered.

TEACH also adds to the existing section 110 requirements. The educational institution must apply technological measures to prevent students from retaining the work past the class session or sharing the work without permission. And the institution must have in place copyright policies that promote copyright compliance and warn students that the works may be copyrighted.

2.2.4. Reproduction by Libraries and Archives (Section 108)

Copyright law recognizes several special rights that apply only to libraries. The primary right is the right of libraries to make and distribute a single copy of a work for non-commercial use (17 U.S.C Section 108). A library can copy an article or small portion of other types of works and give it to a library user provided that the library includes a copyright notice on the copy and has no notice that the user intends to use the copy for anything other than private study, scholarship, or research.

Section 108 also gives libraries the right to make multiple copies of works for preservation and to provide access to unpublished works.

2.2.5. Fair Use (Section 107)

One of the purposes of copyright is “to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts” (U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8). United States copyright law recognizes that there are uses, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research that are necessary to promoting intellectual progress. Such “fair use” is not an infringement of copyright. While the other exceptions to copyright are put forth in some detail, fair use is left intentionally broad. Section 107 lists four factors to consider in determining whether a use qualifies as fair use:

  1. “the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
  2. the nature of the copyrighted work;
  3. the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
  4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.” (17 U.S.C Section 107)

These factors are not precise, and different people may make different determinations about what constitutes fair use. Only the court can officially state whether a given use is fair use or copyright infringement.

2.3. Infringement and Damages

If a copyright owner believes that a use violates his exclusive rights, he can sue the person responsible for copyright infringement. If the court agrees that the use is infringing, the user must cease the use and can face damages of up to $150,000 per violation plus the copyright owner’s court costs and attorney fees (17 U.S.C Chapter 5). If a person makes 10 copies of a copyrighted work, each copy counts as a single violation, so damages can quickly reach millions of dollars.

A person or institution can be guilty of infringement without directly violating copyright. United States copyright law recognizes three types of infringement: direct, contributory, and vicarious. Direct infringement is the actual act of violating copyright. Contributory infringement takes place when a person or institution knew or should have known about the infringement and contributed to it. Vicarious infringement takes place when a person or institution knew or should have known about the infringement and benefited financially from it. Adventist University of Health Sciences would be guilty of vicarious infringement if a professor made illegal copies of an article for a class rather than paying for it from the department’s budget.

3. Responsibility

Individual Adventist University faculty and staff members are responsible for reading and understanding the University’s copyright policy and shall be held accountable for willfully disregarding it in their use of copyrighted works. The University will provide faculty and staff with access to resources that assist with determining permitted use. Faculty and staff are responsible for consulting those resources and applying them in accordance with the law.

At no time shall a faculty  member, staff member, or student assistant who reproduces or distributes copyrighted materials in accordance with the written or verbal instructions of a supervisor be liable for any failure to follow copyright law. This protection does not apply if the faculty member, staff member, or student assistant acts without instructions or in a manner that falls outside of such instructions.

4. Guidelines for Proper Use of Copyrighted Materials

Adventist University of Health Sciences endorses the following guidelines on the correct use of copyrighted materials in various situations:

Members of the University community are expected to abide by these guidelines where applicable. However, the guidelines represent an attempt to define the minimum use that would be considered non-infringing. They should not be considered statements of the maximum use allowed. Many uses that fall outside the recommendations of the guidelines may be covered by fair use. The guidelines are also not infallible guards against infringement. A use that seems to fit within a guideline’s boundaries may actually be infringing under certain circumstances. It is important to consider how the four factors of fair use apply to every proposed use that is not clearly covered by one of the exceptions in sections 108, 109, and 110.

5. Resources

Copyright is a complex issue. In addition to guidelines, Adventist University of Health Sciences provides access to the following resources for students, faculty, and staff to use in determining if a use of work is permitted.

For additional help in making decisions regarding copyright, please contact Adventist University’s copyright resource officer.

6. Peer-to-peer Filesharing

Peer-to-peer filesharing has gained popularity over the last several years as a way to obtain copies of music and movies. Peer-to-peer networks allow people to download and upload material to and from any computer on the network. These networks make it easy for people to freely copy and distribute or download copyrighted music and movies.

Copying and distributing copyrighted movies and music for entertainment purposes without permission is a clear violation of copyright law. A growing use of peer-to-peer filesharing among college students is downloading textbooks. Even though the textbooks are used for education, downloading them simply to avoid paying for them is copyright infringement, not fair use. See Indiana University’s “Filesharing and Copyright” ( for a more detailed discussion.

Adventist University of Health Sciences’ computer use policies state that the computer network on campus is not to be used for any illegal activity. This includes downloading and uploading files in violation of copyright law. Anyone who downloads or uploads copyrighted files illegally, whether through a peer-to-peer network or other means, will be subject to the penalties outlined in the University’s computer use policies.

7. Permissions

If a proposed use of copyrighted material is not within fair use or any other exception, it doesn’t mean that you cannot use the material. You may be able to obtain permission from the copyright owner. The copyright owner may control licensing directly, or rights may be available from a licensing agency.

Rights are often readily available. Check with the library to find out what rights the University already has. The library’s licenses for electronic access to a text-based work may include some reproduction and distribution rights. Licensing agencies, such as the Copyright Clearance Center ( or the Authors Registry (, can quickly provide rights the library doesn’t have. For audio-visual materials, the library may have public performance rights for a performance not covered by section 110, or the library staff may be able to obtain those rights from the distributor.

For a comprehensive discussion of licensing and how to search for the owner of a copyright, see the Columbia University Libraries’ Copyright Advisory Office (

Active Military Duty

Any student called to active duty from the reserves of any branch of the military or the National Guard will receive special consideration from Adventist University of Health Sciences to ensure a smooth transition. Students should notify the department chair and submit a copy of the military orders. The length of service should be defined when possible. A full refund of tuition and fees for the current trimester will be granted.

Upon returning to the University, the student should provide documentation that he or she has been released from active duty. He or she must meet with the department chair to outline a new curriculum plan based on individualized learning needs and the length of time required to complete the program.

Attendance Policies

Adventist University students are expected to attend all scheduled courses, laboratories, clinicals, and/or practicums. The following attendance policies are in effect:

  • Regular attendance in courses, laboratories, and clinicals is required.
  • The student is considered to be enrolled in the course until the completed Drop/Add/Withdrawal Form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar. It is the student’s responsibility to complete these forms as soon as the decision to drop has been made.
    • Failure to submit the completed Drop/Add/Withdrawal Form by the drop deadline will result in the grade of “WF” being given for the course.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor if class appointments have been missed.
  • Failure to attend the first day of the course will result in course withdrawal.
  • All arrangements for an excused absence must have the instructor’s prior approval. In the event of an emergency (e.g. illness), instructors may require official documentation or verification.
  • An Administrative Drop may take place if the student is absent for a period of two consecutive weeks and does not contact the instructor or complete the appropriate paperwork.
  • When a student’s number of absences (excused or unexcused) for any course exceeds 20% of the total course appointments, a grade of “F” may be given for that course.
  • Students are allowed to consider as excused absences up to five days off for bereavement if the death was an immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, child, or grandparent). Other family members, such as aunts, uncles, and cousins, are usually not in this category unless they were part of the immediate family. Additional time must be requested by the student and agreed to by the instructor. Verification must be provided at the time of the student’s return to class. All coursework must be made up within a time frame agreed upon with the course instructor.
  • Please refer to the program handbook for additional attendance policies.

Cancellation of Course Section

A course may be cancelled if the enrollment in a particular section of a course does not reach at least six students. If necessary, course sections may be combined and/or moved. Every effort will be made to keep scheduled courses open in a given trimester.

Emergency Course Cancellation

All decisions regarding emergency school closure will be made by Adventist University of Health Sciences Administration. Information on campus closings may be obtained from the following sources:

  • Campus voice message system : (407) 303-9798 or (407) 303-7747
  • Campus plasma screen displays
  • University Web sites:,
  • Local area TV stations: WESH (2), WKMG (6), WFTV (9), Central Florida News (CFN 13)

University Credit for Experience

It is not the policy of Adventist University of Health Sciences to grant credit for life or work experience.

Communication Policy

Adventist University of Health Sciences (ADU ) employs three electronic modes of communication to meet the needs of its student population. Instructors will communicate in their syllabus their preferred method of communication with their students. This will vary from course to course. It is expected that all students will check these electronic modes of communications at least weekly. Students are held accountable for all information communicated to them through these systems.

  • My Academic Resource System (MARS): MARS is used primarily for communication between students and key offices on campus relating to their enrollment and progression at Adventist University. Students can access their academic advisor or ask questions about placement testing in addition to communicating with the following departments or offices: Enrollment Services, Business Office, Registrar, Financial Aid, Bookstore, Residence Hall, and Student Services. All communication in MARS is logged and recorded for future reference. To access MARS:
    • Log in to
    • Under Academics, click on My Messages.
  • Adventist University E-mail Account: Adventist University e-mail accounts will be used to inform students of upcoming events, such as social events, registration and application information, school closings, and department-specific communications.
  • E-Learning E-mail: The e-learning courseware management system includes an e-mail component which allows the members of the course and their instructors to communicate with each other. The instructors who utilize the e-learning courseware management systems will communicate in their syllabus their preferred method of communication with their students. This will vary from course to course.


An annual Convocation event is held each Fall, bringing together and celebrating the entire Adventist University family during the new school year. All students are required to attend this campus-wide event. The President’s Reception is held following Convocation for all students, faculty, and staff.

Course Classification

Graduate courses are numbered at the 500 level and above.

Course Credit

Students will not receive credit for a course unless they are officially registered for it by the end of the approved registration period. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for registration dates and the Late Registration Policy for more information.

Course Evaluations

Students are required to complete end-of-course evaluations for all courses, including didactic, clinical, and lab sections, in which they are enrolled. Evaluations must be completed by the last day of class (or as otherwise determined by the course instructor). Failure to comply with this mandatory requirement will result in a grade of incomplete (I) being awarded for the class, including the process and fees attached (see Academic Catalog for complete guidelines and fees).

Course Load

Graduate course load is expressed in trimester credits. A trimester credit represents one 55-minute class or equivalent per week for 14 weeks. Laboratory courses are calculated at a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio, with two or three 55-minute periods of lab time each week making up one trimester credit. Clinical courses are measured according to the policies of the graduate program. For nurse anesthesia students, eight-hour periods of clinical time each week make up one trimester credit (8:1 ratio). For occupational therapy students, forty-hour periods of clinical time each week make up one trimester credit (40:1 ratio).

Full-time graduate students are defined as those who register for eight or more credits per trimester. Students are considered to have full-time status during the internship term(s). A graduate student may not be concurrently registered at another college or university and Adventist University of Health Sciences without permission from the department chair and Office of Academic Administration.

Course load includes all outstanding incompletes. For example, nine credits of incompletes from the prior term will limit the number of credits a student may take in the current enrollment period.

Directed Study

Graduate students have the opportunity to participate in courses that are designed to concentrate on a particular problem or area in any of the academic disciplines offered at Adventist University of Health Sciences. These courses may be taken for up to three-credit hours and are recorded on the student’s permanent academic record as Directed Study. Students interested in these courses should complete the Application for Directed Study form available from the Office of the Registrar.

Drop Policy

It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw in writing to the Office of the Registrar prior to the deadline published in the Academic Catalog. The student must submit a completed Add/Drop/Withdrawal Form by the deadline. The assigned grade is determined by the date the student or faculty member notifies the office, not the last date of attendance. The last day to drop a course is determined by the week number in the session. Students may withdraw during the first week of course without penalty. No record will appear on the permanent academic record. Beginning with the second week of the course to the published Drop deadline, students will receive a “W” for the course. Students who withdraw after the published deadline will receive a “WF” for the course. This grade is equivalent to a failure.

Student-initiated withdrawals

Important information for students seeking to withdraw from a course(s). Students should be aware that course withdrawals may affect:

  • Anticipated graduation dates
  • Immigration status
  • Financial status
  • Eligibility for a professional program
  • Progression requirements for a professional program.

Before a student withdraws, we recommend that the student:

  • Meet with a professor to discuss his or her progress in the course
  • Meet with an academic advisor to discuss how the withdrawal will affect his or her educational plans
  • Meet with a financial aid advisor to discuss how the withdrawal will affect his or her financial aid
  • Refer to the Refund Policy in the Financial Information section of the Academic Catalog.

Faculty-initiated withdrawals

An Administrative Drop may take place if a student is absent for two consecutive weeks and does not contact the instructor or complete the appropriate paperwork.

Drop Deadlines for All Academic Sessions

Number of Weeks in Session No Record Grade of “W” will be assigned Grade of “WF” will be assigned
1 End of 1st day in the session Beginning of 2nd day to end of 4th day Beginning of 5th day
7 End of 1st school week in the session Beginning of 2nd week to end of 5th week Beginning with the 6th week
12 End of 1st school week in the session Beginning of 2nd week to end of 9th week Beginning with the 10th week
13 End of 1st school week in the session Beginning of 2nd week to end of 10th week Beginning with the 11th week
14 End of 1st school week in the session Beginning of 2nd week to end of 11th week Beginning with the 12th week
17 End of 1st school week in the session Beginning of 2nd week to end of 13th week Beginning with the 14th week
18 End of 1st school week in the session Beginning of 2nd week to end of 14th week Beginning with the 15th week

Duplicate Diploma

Duplicate diplomas may be issued under the following conditions:

  • Lost
  • Damage
  • Legal name change

Students must submit a notarized letter detailing his or her request. Additional documents may be required. Please contact the Office of the Registrar for more information. Students will be charged a $100 processing fee.

Examinations and Grade Reports

Credit will not be granted for any course unless the student has completed the required work. Students are expected to adhere to the published final examination schedule. If multiple examinations are scheduled concurrently, or the student is required to sit for more than three examinations in one day, arrangements for alternate test dates (within the final exam period) may be made with the department chair.

Grade reports are available online. Grades will be disclosed to third-parties only with a student’s signed consent. Refer to the Student Rights and Confidentiality of Records section in this Academic Catalog.

Jury Duty

The individual course instructor will make reasonable accommodations for any student required to fulfill jury duty obligations, which includes providing additional time to complete assignments, tests, or quizzes missed during this absence. Students should submit a copy of their jury duty notice to the course instructor.

Laptop Policy

All students are required to have a laptop that meets the Adventist University of Health Sciences specifications (see the Software and Hardware Requirements section in the Academic Catalog). Students may purchase a laptop from the University or bring their own if they meet the standards. Some professional programs may require that the laptop be purchased from the University approved vendor. Students should contact their program of interest for more information. Financial aid may be available to cover the cost of purchasing a new computer. Please check with your Financial aid counselor. If approved, financial aid will only be approved for use with the approved University vendor. For more information, please use the following link:

Software and Hardware Requirements

Adventist University’s computers use the Microsoft Windows-based operating system. Students are required to submit all work in a format compatible to Microsoft Office 2010.


The Adventist University campus offers an open wireless environment. To use the Internet, your computer should be able to access an 802.11 g/n wireless network, have the latest version of FLASH and JAVA installed, and have a current and updated version of antivirus software installed.

Laptop/Mobile Device Policy

The use of laptops/mobile devices in the classroom is strictly for learning activities related to the class in session. Instructors have the prerogative to ask that all electronic devices be turned off. Students may bring laptops to all classes as long as they abide by this policy.


The Robert A. Williams Library provides instruction and resource materials that support the educational programs and goals of Adventist University of Health Sciences. The Library is located on the first and second floors of the General Education building.

Individual reference service is offered during library hours of operation. Customized group and individual instruction in the effective use of information resources, such as databases or educational modules, are available upon request. A group study room, individual study carrels, computers, scanning, printing, photocopying, and faxing are available at the Library.

Access to materials from other libraries is available through Interlibrary Loan. The online catalog, subscription databases, e-journals, e-books, streaming video, Refworks citation management tool, copyright guidelines, Internet-based learning modules, APA Style Guide, Ask-A-Librarian (reference questions), and Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery request information may be accessed remotely at Several multidiscipline academic and general reference databases are available, as well as specialty databases in nursing, allied health, consumer health, business, literature, computer technology, opposing viewpoints, student resources, and newspapers. Specialty database reference modules are offered in health, science, arts, humanities, psychology, social science, women’s interests, children’s issues, education, law, international issues, military, and multicultural topics.

Readmission After Academic Dismissal

Graduate students not in an academic program who have received an academic dismissal may petition the Office of Academic Administration for readmission. If readmission is granted, additional admission documents may be required by the Office of Enrollment Services.

Graduate students within an academic program who have received an academic dismissal may reapply during the normal application cycle for the next available class. Should a vacancy occur in an academic program that is compatible with the matriculation of a failed student, the program may extend an invitation for application to the program. Individuals/applicants must submit required admission paperwork and fees. An invitation for application does not signify acceptance into the program. Failing students desiring to be considered for reapplication should submit a letter of intent to the Academic Department and the Office of Enrollment Services.


Registration is conducted via the University website for both new and returning students. Students must select courses and submit them for advisor approval to reserve their seats in the desired courses. All remaining steps must be completed for the registration process to be finalized.

To accommodate web registration, a schedule of all courses will be published in advance of the designated term (fall, spring, or summer). The schedule includes the courses offered, sections, days, times, and building and room locations. Additionally, registration deadlines, dates and times of final exams, and other important announcements will be published.

All Adventist University students must complete the following to register for courses:

  • Complete New Student Orientation to register for courses.
    • Online Modules
  • Complete the required background, drug testing, and immunization requirements as outlined in your admissions/acceptance package.
  • Receive Background Check clearance.
  • Activate ADU student issued email account.
  • Have an approved Adventist University Graduation Application on file in the Office of the Registrar to register for their final term.

Late Registration

All students must complete the registration process within the approved registration periods. Exceptions to this policy will be considered only under extenuating circumstances when students submit a Late Registration Form accompanied by appropriate documentation.

Repeated Courses

If a student chooses to repeat a course, the following policies apply:

  1. If a course taken elsewhere is repeated at Adventist University of Health Sciences, the Adventist University course and grade will be recorded on the transcript and will be used in computing the GPA. The other course will not be transferred. Students who choose to repeat courses that have already been transferred must notify the Office of the Registrar so that the transferred course may be removed from their transcript.
  2. If the course was taken and repeated at Adventist University, both courses and grades will appear on the transcript. The lower grade will remain on the transcript, but the quality points will be disregarded. The higher grade will be used in computing the GPA.
  3. Courses taken at Adventist University of Health Sciences must be repeated at Adventist University.

Permission to repeat a course may be limited by the policies of the professional programs. Please consult the program sections of this Academic Catalog for further information on repeated courses.

Student Conduct

Adventist University of Health Sciences (ADU) will admit and retain only those students who demonstrate by their conduct that they are in accord with its mission and standards outlined in the student handbook. These objectives and standards can be found summarized in the Student Handbook policies and procedures which is available electronically through the ADU website. Students who register for classes agree to accept and abide by the standards and regulations of a Seventh-day Adventist University.

Student Grievance Policy

Students with grievances that are not covered under the Academic Appeal Policy (Academic Catalog) or Discipline Appeal Policy (Student Handbook) are encouraged to take the appropriate steps to resolve the issue informally by discussing it directly with the individual(s) involved.

After speaking to the individual, students should report concerns to the department chair in which they are admitted. Students may also submit a written grievance to the Office of Student Services within ten business days of the incident. The Office of Student Services will investigate the case and respond to the student in writing within ten business days.

Time Limits for Completion of a Program

Refer to individual graduate program policies to determine time limits for completion of a respective program.


The Registrar issues transcripts of a student’s Adventist University of Health Sciences academic record upon written and signed request of the student. Requests for transcripts should be received by the Office of the Registrar at least ten business days before they are needed. Telephone or e-mail requests cannot be honored. Official transcripts will not be issued to students with unpaid accounts, those who are in default on federal loan payments, and/or who owe a repayment on any federal grant unless the student can provide official documentation that arrangements have been made with the lending institution.

Transfer Credit Policy

Graduate students may petition to transfer credits from other regionally accredited institutions of higher learning. No more than twelve graduate semester hours may be transferred in to the graduate program of study. Only courses which fulfill Adventist University course requirements and have been completed with a grade of “B” or better may be transferred. Transfer requests must be approved by the respective department chair. Transfer credit is not allowed for courses specific to the professional discipline. Transfer of credit is not an option for courses in the professional clinical programs.

Withdrawal Policy

This policy applies to students who request to withdraw from courses in a given trimester, from a program, or from Adventist University of Health Sciences. Such students must:

  • Obtain an Add/Drop/Withdrawal Form.
  • Meet with their appropriate department representative(s).
  • Meet with representative(s) from Financial Aid and/or Financial Services.
  • Submit the Add/Drop/Withdrawal Form with all required signatures to the Office of the Registrar.

Students who temporarily leave the University will be given a withdrawn status if they are gone for more than two academic periods. Students who attend other institutions aft er leaving will be required to provide updated official transcript(s) for evaluation upon re-entry to Adventist University.

Academic Support

Center for Academic Achievement

The Center for Academic Achievement (known as The Center or CAA) believes that students should study smarter, not harder. That’s why The Center helps students in the areas of Tutoring, Counseling, Disability Services, and Resume/Cover Letter Writing. For detailed information on any of the areas the Center specializes in or to reserve a spot for a test, please call 407-303-7747 ext. 110-6413.


Counseling assists students in resolving personal difficulties and in acquiring the necessary skills and resources to both succeed in the University environment and pursue productive and satisfying lives. Counseling can help clarify concerns, gain insight into self and others, and teach new ways to most effectively cope and/or resolve issues. Counseling can offer emotional support, new perspectives, and help in considering possible solutions. Other reasons to see a counselor may include: academic, career direction/concerns, self-esteem issues, relationship issues, grief and loss, family, communication, stress management, anger management, and physical, sexual, or substance abuse. Counseling is free to all students, and students are encouraged to seek counseling assistance proactively. For appointments, please call 407-303-7747 ext. 110-6074 or email

Online counseling (e-Therapy) is available to both on-campus and distance students. Counseling is offered via email and real-time chat. For more information or to set up an appointment, please send an email to It’s good to remember that online counseling is not appropriate for all kinds of problems; students should speak to the counselor to determine if e-therapy would be a good fit.

Disability Services

The faculty and staff of Adventist University of Health Sciences are dedicated to an equitable and exemplary education for all of its students. They believe that equal education is not limited to a physically accessible campus for its students. It also strives to provide necessary accommodations to those students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who succeed at ADU demonstrate self-reliance and are able to advocate for their needs and anticipate challenges in a new environment, as well as address those needs well in advance.

Once you have been accepted to the university you can register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) which is located in the Center for Academic Achievement (CAA). To be eligible for disability-related services, students must have a documented disability as defined by the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). A person with a disability is an individual with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Accommodations are decided on a case-by-case basis, using the documentation submitted. All accommodation requests may not be granted. Programs will not be fundamentally altered to accommodate a student.

If a student requests accommodation, the student must provide the OSD the requested current, official documentation related to his or her disability along with the Voluntary Declaration of Disability Form. That documentation will be used to determine the type and extent of accommodation that is most reasonable and effective for that student. The review process typically can take up to ten business days. In particularly busy times, such as the start of a new trimester, this process may take longer. You will be notified by email once documentation has been reviewed.

If criteria have been met and accommodations are granted, the student must submit a Trimester Accommodation Request Form. The student’s instructors will be notified of the student’s needs once the student has completed the Release of Information Form (available in the CAA). The instructor will receive an Academic Accommodation letter explaining the accommodations necessary for that student.

For each subsequent trimester, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the Trimester Accommodations Request Form and submit it to the OSD. It may take seven or more business days to notify instructors. Forms should be submitted 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the trimester. This recommendation will ensure timely implementation of accommodations, but accommodation requests will be accepted throughout the trimester.

At any time, students may request in writing to discontinue any information-sharing related to their disability. Students may request to discontinue their accommodations at any time. Questions or concerns should be brought to the attention of the OSD.

Please note that school plans, such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plans, are not sufficient documentation to establish the rationale for accommodations in a university setting. Original documents are not necessary; a copy or fax of the material is sufficient. If documentation is incomplete or otherwise inadequate to determine the disability and/or reasonable accommodations, the OSD will require additional documentation. Documentation costs are to be paid by the student.

If you would like ODS to be able to discuss your disability or accommodations with persons or agencies outside of ADU (including your parents if you are over the age of 18), you must complete a Release of Information Form, available in the CAA.

Denied accommodation requests may be appealed in writing by a student to the Center for Academic Achievement Director. Such appeals must be filed within ten calendar days of the receipt of the denial of accommodation request.

For more information regarding Academic Accommodations, please contact Betty Varghese at 407-303-7643

The Learning Co-Op

The Learning Co-Op is located on the ground floor of the Nursing Building. It’s full of great resources to help a student’s projects and grades reach the next level. In the Co-Op a student can find the latest and greatest Macs and PCs, 2 scanners, one capable of scanning larger format paper, a large format inkjet printer, a sound booth, microphones, and Pro Tools system. The Co-Op is a place to be creative! A place where a student can create multimedia projects and presentations and burn them to a CD, DVD, copy them to an external hard drive or thumb drive, and even print posters! To find out how to use some of this equipment, students can visit the Co-Op or go online to the CAA website and under the Center for Academic Achievement page, click on Learning Co-Op.