Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Academic Catalog 
2025-2026 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

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Financial Assistance General Information

To apply for financial aid, students need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the online AdventHealth University (AHU) Financial Aid Application. Students will also need to be accepted to the University in order for us to award financial aid. The forms are available at, financial services, financial aid, and some at

In order to be eligible for any financial aid, the student must:

  1. Be accepted on Regular, Provisional, or Probationary status.
  2. Be enrolled as a degree-seeking student.
  3. Be registered at least half-time (six trimester credits for undergraduate, four trimester credits for graduate). See Federal Pell Grant for additional detail. 
  4. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  5. Not be in default or owe a refund on Title IV (federal) funds. If you are in default or owe a refund, contact your lender, servicer, or prior institution to make a payment in full or to make arrangements.

Some students may be selected for a records verification procedure. If a student is selected for verification, he or she will need to submit additional documentation required to complete the financial aid file. The student will be able to view this via the online financial aid portal.

Once all documentation is submitted and reviewed, students will be able to view the types and amounts of financial aid they are eligible to receive via the online financial aid portal.

Students do not receive any aid during non-enrollment periods. Students who withdraw or drop out during a given enrollment period will fall under the Financial Aid Refund policy. A student’s continued eligibility is also based on maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Federal and state regulations require AdventHealth University to determine the financial resources available to a student. The student’s combined aid cannot exceed the student’s cost of attendance. The Financial Aid Office monitors all financial aid and adjusts the award to conform to federal, state, and institutional regulations.

For financial aid purposes, need is determined by using the following financial aid formula:

(Cost of Attendance) - (Student Aid Index) = Educational Need

  • Cost of Attendance refers to the amount it costs to attend AdventHealth University. This cost includes tuition, and estimated amounts for estimated books, allowance, an estimated cost for uniforms, an estimated cost for a computer for first-time students, a matriculation fee, professional fees, housing, food, personal and travel allowances.
  • Student Aid Index is determined by analyzing the data the student provide(s) on the FAFSA according to a process which has been mandated by the Congress of the United States.
  • Educational Need is the difference between the above two components.

Students will be able to view their estimated awards they should receive for the upcoming year via the online financial aid portal. Awards that are listed before the end of the drop/add period will include estimated awards that are based on the student’s enrollment information provided by the student on the AHU Financial Aid Application. If the student enrolls for credits that are different from what the student actually takes, aid was based on, the award will change. Students are not eligible for financial aid if they have not met Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) or are in default on or owe a refund of Title IV (federal) aid.

Also, students who indicated on their aid application, or the Stafford/PLUS Loan Request Form, the amount to be borrowed, must still apply for the loan(s) by completing a Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Loan Counseling. Parents who indicated on the Stafford/PLUS Loan Request Form the amount to be borrowed must complete the Master Promissory Note only. Each year, the parent needs to complete a Direct PLUS Credit Decision Request and the Loan Request Form. The Master Promissory Note and Entrance Loan Counseling need to be completed only once. If an endorser is used, a borrower will need to complete a new MPN for each new loan.

Financial Aid Application Deadlines

Students must apply for financial aid each academic year. The FAFSA is available on October 1 each year. The Financial Aid Office must receive a valid FAFSA, student’s must complete their AHU Financial Aid Application, which can be found online in your portal and must be accepted to the University. The financial aid process must be completed at least six weeks prior to the first day of classes for the trimester for which they wish to enroll. All students who would like to have their eligibility verified and aid awarded for course registration must complete a valid FAFSA, complete their AHU Mini Aid Application, and be accepted to the University by its established deadlines. See the calendar  for the exact deadline dates.

Students who wish to have a Stafford Loan processed and who will not be enrolled for the following term of the award year (award year is fall, spring, and summer) need to make sure that all documentation is turned into the Financial Aid Office at least six weeks prior to the end of the trimester. This deadline is to guarantee that the aid will be on the student’s account by the end of the term. 

Drug Convictions and Federal Student Aid

Drug convictions will no longer affect your ability to get federal student aid. Your eligibility won’t be suspended. Drug convictions no longer affect federal student aid eligibility. When you complete the FAFSA form, you will be asked whether you had a drug conviction for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid. If the answer is yes, you will be provided a worksheet. Please do answer the questions on the worksheet; however, your answers will not affect your federal student aid eligibility.

Rights and Responsibilities of Financial Aid Recipients

All of the information submitted to the Financial Aid Office is treated confidentially. Only AdventHealth University employees directly associated with processing financial aid documents have access to the files. Financial aid recipients have the right to know what the Financial Aid Office has done with their information and what will be expected of the recipients. This includes information about how need is determined, how recipients are selected, how financial aid is awarded, and what regulations are followed. Financial aid awards are made without regard to sex, race, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, color, or national or ethnic origin. Students who are concerned that they have not been treated equally or fairly should discuss the situation with the Financial Aid Director or the Senior Vice President for Finance.

The student is responsible for reading the information provided regarding financial aid, providing complete and accurate information, and following the instructions that are given regarding the application for financial aid.

Fund Disbursements

Financial aid for the trimester is based on the number of credits a student is registered for at the end of the drop/add period. At that time, Financial Aid will be credited to the student’s account based on the actual number of credits they have enrolled in. Students who have been selected for verification must have the verification process completed before financial aid will be released. Students will be notified of the procedure by the Financial Aid Office.

(Students eligible for the Federal Pell Grant or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) need to have the verification process completed no later than 120 days after their last day of enrollment or August 31, whichever is earlier). Students eligible for the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) have until 120 days after their last day of enrollment, and Students requesting loans need to have the verification process completed by their last day of enrollment.

If a credit occurs after Title IV (federal) aid has been disbursed to the student’s account, the credit will be issued to the student or parent within fourteen days by BankMobile as long as the BankMobile Vibe Account is active. You will receive a Refund Selection Toolkit in the mail and you will need to select a refund method. Students or parents who want the credit to stay on the account must provide written notification to the Financial Aid Office. Students or parents who have given the school permission to hold their credit and wish to rescind their decision must provide written authorization making the change to the Financial Aid Office. Students should be prepared to cover their own living expenses well into the trimester.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients

The U.S. Department of Education requires that all students who receive financial aid must make progress toward their program of study. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is the measure of a student’s overall progress and the time it takes to complete their courses. AdventHealth University has created the following requirements to comply with the federal regulations. Students who fail to meet these requirements may lose their financial aid eligibility. 

A student’s entire academic history will be reviewed for the purposes of determining SAP, including credits not paid for by financial aid. Whether a student is considered to be making satisfactory academic progress depends on his or her cumulative grade point average (GPA), successful completion of courses (credit hours), and maximum time frames to complete his or her course of study. Students must meet all the requirements listed below:

Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement

An undergraduate student must maintain an overall GPA of 2.00 at the end of each trimester. The GPA is calculated on AdventHealth University courses. If a student repeats a course, the policies regarding repeated courses will apply.

A graduate student must maintain an overall GPA of 2.50 at the end of each trimester. The GPA is calculated on AdventHealth University courses. If a student repeats a course, the policies regarding repeated courses will apply.

Cumulative Completion Requirement

All students must successfully complete (with letter grades A, B, C, D) a minimum of 67% of the cumulative credits attempted, combining all AdventHealth University credits and all transfer credits added to AdventHealth University transcript. The percentage of earned credits is calculated by dividing all earned credits by all attempted credits.  

  • Attempted credits are defined as the credits for which the student is enrolled. All courses are considered attempted credits whether or not the course is completed. Grades of F, course withdrawals (W), audits, pass/no pass, deferred grades, incompletes, in progress, or grades not submitted by the instructor are considered attempted hours.
  • Earned credits are defined as the sum of credits for which a student has earned a minimum grade of “D-” (0.70). Audits, deferred grades, failures, incompletes, in progress, withdrawals, or grades not submitted by the instructor are not earned credits. Passing credits received for pass/no pass courses are considered earned credits. Failing grades in pass/no pass courses are considered not earned. Changes in the GPA due to the completion of the incomplete or deferred grade are taken into account for aid eligibility at the next appointed evaluation time.
  • Repeated credits These credits are included in the calculation of both attempted and earned credits. Financial aid is available for the initial time a course is taken and one retake.

Maximum Time Limit Requirement (Pace)

Students must complete their program in no more than 150% of the published length of the educational program. Part-time enrollment and summer enrollment count in the maximum time frame calculation. At evaluation time, if it is clear that a student cannot mathematically finish his program within the maximum time frame, he becomes ineligible for aid. For example, if the program requires 72 credits, the student must complete the program within 108 total credits attempted. Credits used in this calculation include those accepted for transfer and those attempted at AdventHealth University. If a student changes his or her course of study, only the hours from the previous course of study that will count toward the student’s new degree requirements are included in the calculation of attempted and earned credits.

Consortium Agreement

Students must contact the AdventHealth University Office of the Registrar and complete the Transient Letter process. Once completed a copy of the letter must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office and reviewed for eligibility and then a Consortium Agreement will be sent to the secondary institution for review and signature.

Financial Aid Warning

A student not meeting the cumulative GPA or the completion requirements will be placed on financial aid warning automatically for one term only during the next trimester of enrollment and is eligible to receive aid during the warning trimester. The student will receive a letter of financial aid warning. At the end of the warning trimester, the student must meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy to continue to receive aid. If a student does not meet the SAP Policy, he or she can submit an appeal to be considered for financial aid probation status.

Financial Aid Suspension

Students who do not meet the cumulative GPA and completion rate requirements are no longer eligible for financial aid until they have taken classes, using their own funds, and have raised their cumulative GPA and completion rate to meet the above requirements. The student will receive a financial aid suspension letter. Students who have been suspended may appeal for reinstatement of financial aid eligibility and must submit a written appeal with documentation by the first day of classes.

Financial Aid Probation

The student who does not meet SAP and has used the Financial Aid Warning trimester and has successfully appealed may continue to receive financial assistance during the financial aid probationary period. At the end of the financial aid probationary period, the student will:

  • Be removed from the financial aid probationary status because both cumulative GPA and completion rate requirements are met; or
  • Be suspended from receiving assistance from federal, state, and institutional sources and will receive a financial aid suspension letter.

Appeal Procedure

A student has the right to appeal a suspension of fnancial aid once, based on extenuating circumstances, such as, but not limited to, illness, death of a family member, and natural disaster(s), etc.

  • Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Financial Aid Appeal Committee using the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form. A student must make sure to put in details why he or she did not meet SAP and what has changed to allow him or her to meet SAP at the next evaluation period.
  • Documentation verifying the special circumstances should be attached (for example, doctor’s letter, third-party letter, etc.).
  • An Academic Progress Plan is also required, and it must be reviewed and signed by the student and his or her academic advisor.

Once the Financial Aid Appeal Committee considers the appeal, notification of the decision will be sent to the student within two (2) weeks of the date the appeal was received or after the trimester final grades have been posted. If the appeal is granted, the student will receive aid for the financial aid probation trimester. At the end of that trimester and subsequent trimesters, the student’s academic progress will be reviewed. If the conditions of the appeal are met, the student will continue to be eligible for aid. If the conditions of the appeal are not met, the student will no longer be eligible for financial aid until SAP is met.

Financial Aid Refund Policies

A student who does not begin attending classes is not eligible for any type of financial aid. Aid is based on the number of credits for which a student is registered at the end of the drop/add period. Students who have withdrawn by this time will not receive any financial aid for that term.

When a student begins classes and subsequently withdraws, financial aid is subject to adjustment, depending on the withdrawal date and the type of financial aid (see Withdrawal Policy  in the Academic Information  section). The adjustment will involve a determination of how much of the student’s financial aid was “earned” and how much was “unearned” or was excess aid. Earned financial aid will be retained in the student’s account to apply to his or her charges. If a student received excess funds, AdventHealth University must return a portion of the excess equal to the lesser of (a) the institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of the student’s funds, or (b) the entire amount of the excess funds.

Federal Aid

A student who receives federal aid (Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant [SEOG], Subsidized Stafford Loan or Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, Graduate PLUS Loan, or Parent Loan), and withdraws during the first 60% of the trimester or enrollment period will have his or her federal aid adjusted, based on the amount of time the student was enrolled. The amount of federal aid a student earns will be directly proportional to the percentage of time enrolled. The student who withdraws after the 60% period will be able to keep all of his or her federal financial aid.

For all programs offered in modules, a student is a withdrawal for Title IV purposes if the student ceases attendance at any point prior to the end of the term. A program is offered in modules if a course or courses in the program do not span the entire term. A student is not considered a withdrawal for Title IV purposes, if at the time of withdrawal the student confirms in writing that he or she is still attending a class or will attend a class that begins later in the term.

The unearned amount of federal aid will be returned to the source, using the following distribution priority:

  1. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
  2. Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan
  3. Federal Direct PLUS Loan/Graduate PLUS Loan
  4. Federal Pell Grant
  5. Federal SEOG
  6. Other federal aid

If AdventHealth University is not required to return all of the unearned loan funds, the student must return the remaining amount. Any loan funds that the student has to return will be repaid according to the terms of the promissory note.

If a student is responsible for returning federal grant funds, only 50% is required to be returned. A student retains eligibility for 45 days from the date that AdventHealth University sent notification to the student that he or she owes the overpayment. During the 45 days, students will have the opportunity to continue their eligibility for federal aid by repaying the overpayment in full to the University or by signing a repayment agreement with the U.S. Department of Education. If the student does not take one of these two actions during the 45-day period, he or she becomes ineligible for future funding on the 46th day. Additional information regarding signing the repayment agreement may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office.

If a student withdraws from AdventHealth University during a trimester and the total amount of federal funds the student earned is greater than the total amount disbursed, the student may be eligible to receive a post withdrawal disbursement. For the post-withdrawal disbursement, the University can credit grants for tuition, fees, room and board (without authorization) and for other educational charges (with authorization from the student or parent) up to the amount of outstanding charges. Prior to making any post-withdrawal disbursement of loan funds, AdventHealth University must notify in writing to the student or the parent of a Parent PLUS Loan. The University will send written notification to the student or parent within 30 days of the date that the University determined that the student withdrew. Confirmation must be received before the funds can be credited to the account or directly disbursed. The written notification will:

  1. Include the grant and/or loan to be credited and the grant and/or loan available as direct disbursement.
  2. Explain that the student or parent may accept or decline some or all of the post withdrawal disbursement.
  3. Explain the student’s or parent’s obligation to repay the loan.
  4. Explain that no post-withdrawal disbursement will be made if the student or parent has not responded within 14 days of the written notification date.

If the student and/or the parent responds to the University notice within 14 days and instructs AdventHealth University to make all or a portion of the post withdrawal disbursement, the funds will be disbursed in the manner specified in the response within 120 days of the date that the University determined that the student withdrew. If the student and/or the parent does not respond to the University notice, no post-withdrawal disbursement will be credited to the account or disbursed directly.

Grants from Other States or Private Source Scholarships

These types of aid will be handled in accordance with the policy of the sponsoring organization. Lacking specific guidance, the following applies:

  • A student who does not begin attending classes will have his or her grant or scholarship returned to the sponsoring organization.
  • A student who begins attending classes and withdraws will be allowed to retain the full amount of the grant or scholarship for the term.

If there is any question as to the intent of the grant or the scholarship, AdventHealth University will contact the organization for guidance.

State of Florida Aid

A student who receives EASE, FSAG, or CDDV from the State of Florida and withdraws from AdventHealth University after the end of the drop/add period will not have any adjustment unless tuition is refunded at 100%. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA and must have successfully completed 12 credits for each term they received the EASE or FSAG and 6 credits for each term they received CDDV. Credits from the summer, fall, and spring trimesters are used to determine credits successfully completed.

Students that receive the Bright Futures Scholarship will be required to repay the cost of any course dropped or withdrawn unless an exception is recommended by the Financial Aid Office. Repayment for the cost of dropped or withdrawn courses is required to renew a Bright Futures award for a subsequent academic year. For renewal criteria, see the Bright Futures section.

State Financial Aid Programs

Bright Futures Scholarship

This is a scholarship program composed of three awards for Florida high school or academy graduates with outstanding academic achievement who will attend an eligible Florida institution (such as AdventHealth University). The student (or the parents, if the student is a dependent) must be a Florida resident for a minimum of twelve consecutive months prior to the beginning of the academic term for which funds are requested. The dates for each term will be listed on the online financial aid system. The student must be enrolled for at least six trimester credit hours and not have been found guilty of nor pled nolo contendere to a felony charge. The student cannot have a prior Bachelor’s degree, be in default, or owe a repayment on federal or state grants or loans.

Applications must be completed during the last year in high school and no later than August 31st after high school graduation. Students may apply online at or submit an application which is available from high school guidance counselors.

Students must complete the online AHU Mini Aid Application each year for us to determine the amount eligible to receive.

Students will be required to repay the cost of any course dropped or withdrawn unless an exception is recommended by the Financial Aid Office. Repayment for the cost of dropped or withdrawn courses is required to renew a Bright Futures award for a subsequent academic year.

For renewal criteria, Bright Futures recipients are required to meet a GPA standard that is listed under each category and must meet minimum earned credit hour requirements.

Student Credit Hours Funded (per term) Required Earned Credit Hours (per term)
12 or more credit hours 12 credit hours
9 - 11 credit hours 9 credit hours
6 - 8 credit hours 6 credit hours

The three award categories are as follows:

Florida Academic Scholars Award

Students must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 in 16 credits of college preparatory courses and have attained the score established by the state legislature on the SAT or ACT. Students must also have 100 hours of community service. To see the minimum scores or other ways to qualify, go to

To renew the scholarship, students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and meet the minimum earned credit-hour requirements that are listed in the Bright Futures section. If students fail to achieve a 3.00 GPA in college but achieve a minimum 2.75 GPA, they will automatically be transferred to the Florida Medallion Scholars Award level. If the GPA is improved above a 3.00 in a subsequent renewal period, the student will restore as a Florida Academic Scholars Award using their one-time restoration opportunity.

The award will be an amount per credit hour that is specified by the General Appropriations Act. The award may cover up to 45 trimester credit hours per academic year. Students may use the scholarship for up to five years from high school graduation for a maximum of 120 trimester credit hours to complete an undergraduate degree.

The top Academic Scholar award recipient in each school district receives cost per credit hour award established by the Florida Legislature in the General Appropriations Act in addition to the Florida Academic Scholars award.

Florida Medallion Scholars Award

Students must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in 16 credits of college preparatory courses and have attained the score established by the state legislature on the SAT or ACT. Students must also have 75 hours of community service. To see the minimum scores or other ways to qualify, go to

To renew the scholarship, students must achieve a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA and meet the minimum earned credit hour requirements that are listed in the Bright Futures section.

The award will be an amount per credit hour that is specified by the Federal Appropriations Act. The award may cover up to 45 trimester credit hours per academic year. Students may use the scholarship for up to five years from high school graduation for a maximum of 120 trimester credit hours to complete an undergraduate degree.

Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award

Students must achieve a 3.00 weighted GPA, using the 16 credits required for high school graduation, and a 3.50 unweighted GPA in a minimum of three Career and Technical Education credits in one vocational program (taken over two academic years), and have attained the score established by the state legislature on the SAT, ACT or CPT. Students must also have 30 hours of community service. To see the minimum scores or other ways to qualify, go to

To renew the scholarship, students must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and meet the minimum earned credit hour requirements that are listed in the Bright Futures section.

The award will be an amount per credit hour that is specified by the General Appropriations Act. The award may cover up to 45 trimester credit hours per academic year. This is a two-year scholarship. Students may use the scholarship for up to 90 trimester credit hours or their equivalent.

Gold Seal Cape Award

Until a student has earned an eligible associate degree, Gold Seal CAPE (GSC) scholarships may only be used at postsecondary institutions that offer an applied technology diploma, technical degree education program (associate in applied science or associate in science), or a career certificate program.

Effective Access to Student Education (EASE)

This grant program provides tuition assistance to Florida undergraduate students attending an eligible private, non-profit institution (such as AdventHealth University). If this grant and all other grants or scholarships that are earmarked for tuition and fees exceed the amount charged to the student for tuition and fees, the EASE grant will be reduced so there is no excess. The student (or the parents, if the student is a dependent) must be a Florida resident for a minimum of twelve consecutive months prior to the beginning of the academic term for which funds are requested. The dates for each term will be listed on the online financial aid system. Students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens and must be enrolled for at least 12 credits by the end of the drop/add period and maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). The student cannot have a prior Bachelor’s degree, be in default, or owe a repayment on federal or state grants or loans. The grant is available for nine trimesters of undergraduate work. Funding is not available during the summer trimester. To receive the EASE for the following school year, the student must maintain a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA and must have successfully completed 12 credits for each term he or she received the EASE. Credits from the summer, fall, and spring trimesters are used to determine credits successfully completed.

Students must complete the FAFSA and the online AHU Financial Aid Application and submit these to the Financial Aid Office by the end of the drop/add period (the last day to drop with no record) of the trimester for which the grant is requested. The grant is awarded in the fall and spring trimesters only. The amount of the award is specified each year by the Florida Legislature.

Florida Scholarships for Children and Spouses of Deceased or Disabled Veterans and Service members

This scholarship program (CDDV) provides scholarships for dependent children or un-remarried spouses of Florida veterans or service members who died as a result of service-connected injuries, diseases, or disabilities sustained while on active duty or who have been verified by the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs as having service-connected 100% permanent and total disabilities. The program also provides funds for dependent children whose parent is classified as a prisoner of war or missing in action by the Armed Forces of the United States or as civilian personnel captured while serving with the consent or authorization of the United States Government during wartime service. Funds are for tuition and registration fees.

The student (or the student’s parents, if the student is a dependent) must be a Florida resident for a minimum of twelve consecutive months prior to the beginning of the fall term for which funds are requested. The date will be listed on the online financial aid system. Students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens, be enrolled for a minimum of 6 credits by the end of the drop/add period. The student cannot have a prior Bachelor’s degree, be in default, or owe a repayment on any federal or state grants or loans.

Students apply online at by April 1 and ensuring that the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs certifies the applicant’s eligibility by April 1.

To receive CDDV for the following school year, the student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 and earned 6 credit hours for the number of terms for which the award was received.

Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) 

Students may be eligible for the need-based Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) from the Florida Department of Education if they attend an eligible public or private Florida institution (such as AdventHealth University). The student (or the student’s parents, if the student is a dependent) must be a Florida resident for a minimum of twelve consecutive months prior to the beginning of the term for which funds are requested. The date will be listed on the online financial aid system. Students must be U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens and must be enrolled for at least 12 credits by the end of the drop/add period. The student cannot have a prior bachelor’s degree, be in default, or owe a repayment on federal or state grants or loans. The grant is available for nine trimesters of undergraduate work. Funding is not available during the summer trimester. To receive FSAG for the following school year, the student must maintain a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA and must have successfully completed 12 credits for each term he or she received the FSAG. Credits from the summer, fall, and spring trimesters are used to determine credits successfully completed.

Students may apply by completing and submitting the FAFSA and the online AHU Financial Aid Application. The grant is awarded on a first come, first served basis. The annual minimum and maximum award amount may vary each academic year. For the 2024-25 academic year, the minimum annual award amount was $200, and the maximum was $1,750. Notice of eligibility may be viewed via the online financial aid system.

Jose Marti Scholarship Challenge Grant

This is a need-based scholarship of $2,000 per academic year for students of Hispanic culture who were born in (or have a natural parent who was born in) Mexico, Spain, South America, Central America, or the Caribbean. Students must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens, enrolled full time, and have been continuous residents (or the parents, if the student is a dependent) of Florida since August of the year preceding the one for which they are applying. Students must not be in default or owe a repayment on federal or state grants or loans. Students must apply as high school/academy seniors or graduates.

Students may apply online at by April 1. The FAFSA must be completed in time to be processed by May 15.

Federal Financial Aid Programs

Federal Pell Grant

To be eligible for the Pell Grant, one must demonstrate substantial financial need. The Federal Pell Grant is for undergraduate students. The student can be enrolled less than half time, half time, three-quarter time, or full time. Students may apply by completing the FAFSA. The FAFSA is available online at, or by calling 1-800-433-3243. Notification of eligibility is sent to the student from the processing agency and the Financial Aid Office. The amount of the award is based on the determination of eligibility and the cost of attendance at the college or university of the student’s choice. Students who receive a Pell Grant can receive Pell for 12 semesters (or equivalent).

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

The FSEOG is given to undergraduate students who have not completed their first bachelor’s degree. Awards will be given to students who have the lowest student aid index, and priority will be given to Federal Pell Grant recipients. Students must be enrolled at least half-time and be making satisfactory academic progress. 

Federal Loans

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan

The Direct Subsidized loan enables undergraduate students to borrow money directly from the government. The interest rates will change on the first of July each year and is based on the 10-Year Treasury Note Index plus an add-on percentage not to exceed 8.25%. The student must be enrolled at least half time to receive the loan. There is a six-month grace period from the time the student is no longer enrolled half-time until the student must start making payments. The U.S. Department of Education subsidizes or pays the loan’s interest while the student is enrolled at least half-time.

Eligibility for the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan is based strictly on need as determined by the financial information provided by the student and/or parent on the FAFSA. Total financial aid, including scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study cannot exceed documented educational need. The terms, conditions, sample repayment schedules, and the necessity for repaying loans are available at The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is available online at and must be certified by the Financial Aid Office while the student is enrolled. The Master Promissory Note only needs to be completed once and you can borrow additional loans on a single MPN for up to ten years as long as there has been a disbursement on the loan within 12 months of the submission of the MPN.

Students requesting the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan for the first time at AdventHealth University must complete an Undergraduate Entrance Loan Counseling for undergraduate and Graduate Entrance Loan Counseling for graduate students’ session. Loan Counseling is available online at before disbursement of student loans is made. Students withdrawing from school, or who drop to less than half-time enrollment, as well as those who graduate, must complete an Undergraduate Exit Loan Counseling session online at in which important payback information concerning their loan is covered.

A student who is taking prerequisite courses to be admitted into a graduate program are eligible for loans for one consecutive 12-month period.  A student who is taking courses to raise his or her GPA in order to be admitted would not be eligible.

A student will receive a disclosure statement from the Department of Education that will give specific information about any loan that the school plans to disburse under his or her Master Promissory Note (MPN), including the loan amount, fees, and the expected disbursement dates and amounts.

A student that borrows a loan will have the loan information sent to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system.

To see when the funds have been credited, the student should log into their portal. Click on student account, financial, scroll down to Business Office, click on billing, and then ledger. A student will also receive notice in writing each time AdventHealth University disperses part of his or her loan funds. In addition, the University will provide information on how to cancel all or part of a student’s disbursement, should he or she find the funds no longer necessary.

Students are not eligible for the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan while on provisional acceptance status.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

The Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan is available to undergraduate and graduate students and has the same requirements and loan limits as the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan program, except it is not based on need.  The interest rates will change on the first of July each year and is based on the 10-Year Treasury Note Index plus an add-on percentage not to exceed 8.25% for undergraduate and 9.5% for graduate students. The interest is the responsibility of the borrower. Students may pay the interest while they are in school, or they may have it capitalized (added to the principal balance of the loan).

All financial aid cannot exceed the cost of attendance.

A student that borrows a loan will have the loan information sent to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system.

To see when the funds have been credited, the student should log into their portal. Click on student account, financial, scroll down to Business Office, click on billing, and then ledger. A student will also receive notice in writing each time AdventHealth University disburses part of his or her loan funds. In addition, the University will provide information on how to cancel all or part of a student’s disbursement, should he or she find the funds no longer necessary.

Students are not eligible for Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans while on provisional acceptance status.

Borrowing Limits

The total combined amounts a student may borrow in Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans may not exceed the annual loan limits or aggregate limits, which are specified in federal regulations. Annual loan limits are determined by class standing (freshman, Sophomore, etc.) and dependency status. Undergraduate students who will be finished with their program during the award year and do not enroll for three trimesters will have their loans prorated.  Students that are accepted as Post Baccalaureate students doing prerequisites to be accepted into a graduate program are eligible for loans for one consecutive 12-month period.

Annual Limits


Class Standing Credits Earned Maximum Subsidized Unsubsidized Combined Subsidized & Unsubsidized
Freshman 0-31 $3,500 $2,000 $5,500
Sophomore 32-62 $4,500 $2,000 $6,500
Junior/Senior 63-124 $5,500 $2,000 $7,500
Post Baccalaureate   $5,500   $5,000
Graduate   $0.00 $20,500 $20,500


Class Standing Credits Earned Maximum Subsidized Unsubsidized Combined Subsidized & Unsubsidized
Freshman 0-31 $3,500 $6,000 $9,500
Sophomore 32-62 $4,500 $6,000 $10,500
Junior/Senior 63-124 $5,500 $7,000 $12,500
Post Baccalaureate   $5,500 $7,500 $12,500
Graduate   $0.0 $20,500 $20,500

Aggregate Limits
The cumulative amount that a student can borrow through the years is called the aggregate limit.  A student who exceeds the aggregate loan limit is ineligible to receive any Title IV funding. The graduate aggregate loan limit of $138,500 includes any loan amount borrowed during undergraduate and graduate studies.

  Dependent Undergraduate Independent Undergraduate
Maximum Subsidized $23,000 $23,000
Combined Subsidized and Unsubsidized $31,000 $57,500

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

The Direct PLUS is a federal credit-based loan which parents of a dependent student may borrow to help with the cost of education. Parents may be eligible to borrow up to the total cost of attendance minus other aid received. A parent is defined as a student’s natural mother or father, adoptive parent, or stepparent. A parent with an adverse credit history may be denied a Direct PLUS Loan. The interest rates will change on the first of July each year and is based on the 10-Year Treasury Note Index plus an add-on percentage not to exceed 10.50%. The student must be enrolled at least half time to receive the loan. This loan is also unsubsidized; consequently, interest accrues from the date of origination and is the responsibility of the parent borrower. Payment of the loan starts 60 days after the loan has been fully disbursed for the year or can be delayed at the request of the borrower until six months after the student is no longer enrolled at least half-time. Each year, the parent must complete a Direct PLUS Credit Decision Request and the Loan Request Form. The terms, conditions, sample repayment schedules, and the necessity for repaying loans are available at The parent can borrow additional loans on a single Master Promissory Note (MPN) for up to ten years as long as there was no endorser. The Loan Request Form is available online at or at the Financial Aid Office, and the loan must be certified by the Financial Aid Office while the student is enrolled at least half-time. The parent may need to provide proof of permanent resident status.

The parent will receive a disclosure statement from the Department of Education that will give the parent specific information about any loan that the school plans to disburse under the MPN, including the loan’s amount, fees, and the expected disbursement dates and amounts.

A parent that borrows a loan will have the loan information sent to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system.

To see when the funds have been credited, the student should log into their portal. Click on student account, financial, scroll down to Business Office, click on billing, and then ledger. The parent or student will also receive notice in writing each time AdventHealth University disburses part of his or her loan funds. In addition, the University will provide information on how to cancel all or part of a student’s disbursement, should the parent find the funds no longer necessary.

Parents are not eligible for Federal Direct PLUS loans while their student is on provisional admission status.

Federal Direct PLUS Loan for Graduate Students

Graduate and professional students will be eligible to borrow under the Direct PLUS Loan program. The Graduate Direct PLUS Loan allows the graduate student to borrow up to the cost of attendance minus other estimated financial assistance. A student with an adverse credit history may be denied a Graduate Direct PLUS Loan. The interest rates will change on the first of July each year and is based on the 10-Year Treasury Note Index plus an add-on percentage not to exceed 10.50%. The student must be enrolled at least half time to receive the loan. The student receives an automatic in-school deferment while enrolled half-time or more.

Each year, the student must complete a Graduate Direct PLUS Credit Decision Request and the Loan Request Form which is on the AHU Mini Aid Application. The terms, conditions, sample repayment schedules, and the necessity for repaying loans are available at The student completes the Direct PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN) only once. You can borrow additional loans on a single MPN for up to ten years as long as there was no endorser. The loan must be certified by the Financial Aid Office while the student is enrolled at least half-time.

You will receive a disclosure statement from the Department of Education that will give you specific information about any loan that the school plans to disburse under your MPN, including the loan’s amount, fees, and the expected disbursement dates and amounts.

To see when the funds have been credited, the student should log into their portal. Click on student account, financial, scroll down to Business Office, click on billing, and then ledger. You will receive a notice each time AdventHealth University disburses a portion of your loans funds which will provide information about how to cancel all or part of your disbursement if you find you no longer need the funds.

Federal Direct Loan Counseling

To prevent student loan defaults, AdventHealth University requires entrance and exit loan counseling to explain the rights and responsibilities of a student borrower. Students who have disputes or problems with their loans may contact the Student Financial Assistance Ombudsman for help at 1-877-557-2578 or or Office of the Ombudsman, Student Financial Assistance, U.S. Department of Education, Rm. 3012, ROB #3, 7th and D Streets SW, Washington, DC 20202-5144. The procedures for Entrance and Exit Counseling are as follows:

Entrance Loan Counseling

All students who are awarded the Federal Direct Subsidized or Direct Unsubsidized Loan for the first time at AdventHealth University are required by federal regulations to complete Entrance Loan Counseling prior to receiving any loan proceeds.

Students will be able to meet the requirement by doing Entrance Loan Counseling online at

Items to be reviewed will include the following:

  • Explanation of all sources of aid
  • What effect the loan will have on the eligibility of the borrower for other forms of student aid
  • Constraints on aid
  • Explanation of the use of the Master Promissory Note (MPN)
  • Terms and conditions of various loan programs
  • Option of the borrower to pay the interest while in school on the Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans or the Direct PLUS loans
  • Information on how interest accrues and is capitalized during periods when the interest is not paid by the borrower or the Secretary
  • Definition of half-time enrollment and consequences of not maintaining half-time enrollment
  • Importance of contacting the Financial Aid Office if the borrower withdraws prior to completing the program of study
  • Example of monthly repayment schedule
  • Loan repayment and options, financial planning, and consequences of delinquency and default
  • Keeping the lender informed
  • Deferment, forbearance, and cancellation conditions
  • Information on the NSLDS and how the borrower may access his or her records
  • Need for the student to retain all loan documentation
  • Explanation of sale and servicing of loans
  • Review of refund policy
  • Review of Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.

First-time, first-year borrowers (students who have NEVER received federal student loans) are required to have their loan proceeds held by the Financial Aid Office for 30 days AFTER the first day of classes. If still enrolled at that time, a student’s loan proceeds may then be disbursed.

Exit Loan Counseling

All students who are graduating or who will no longer be enrolled at least halftime at AdventHealth University are required to complete Exit Loan Counseling. Students will need to complete exit loan counseling before receiving their diploma.

Students will be able to meet the requirement by doing Exit Loan Counseling online at

Items to be reviewed will include the following:

  • Loan repayment obligations and options
  • Loan repayment plans
  • Option to prepay loans or change repayment plans
  • Deferment, forbearance, loan forgiveness, and cancellation conditions
  • Information on consolidation
  • General description of the types of tax benefits that might be available to borrowers
  • Information on how borrowers can use NSLDS to get information on the status of their loans
  • Average anticipated monthly repayment
  • Debt management strategies
  • Keeping the lender informed
  • Loan terms and conditions
  • Student rights and responsibilities
  • Name and address of borrower’s lender
  • Consequences of delinquency and default.

Student will need to supply:

  • Borrower’s expected permanent address
  • Name and address of expected employer
  • Name and address of borrower’s next of kin
  • Borrower’s driver’s license number

Students who fail to complete Exit Loan Counseling will be sent a letter to remind them to complete the counseling online. A record of this mailing will be retained in the student’s file.

Private Loans

Please DO NOT apply for a private loan before speaking to your Financial Aid Counselor. Your Financial Aid Counselor will discuss all of your loan options with you before you apply.Private Loans are available to qualified students; AHU encourages students to borrow only when it is absolutely necessary. Private loans are based on credit history.

FASTChoice provides support and guidance during private loan counseling and lender selection process.

AdventHealth University Scholarships

The AHU Admissions Office awards the following scholarships:

  • First-Year Scholarship
  • Merit Scholarship
  • Leadership Scholarship
  • President’s Scholarship

Click the link below for further details:

Endowed Scholarships

The following scholarships are available to students who meet the criteria listed under each scholarship. To demonstrate financial need, students need to complete the FAFSA and the AHU Endowed Scholarship Application by the indicated deadlines available from the Financial Aid Office. The AHU Endowed Scholarship Applications are available online in November to apply for the scholarships for the following award year.

*These scholarships are not yet activated.

1:6:3 Scholarship *

This scholarship is based on Matthew 6:3 which says: “when you do something for someone else, don’t call attention to yourself”. The scholarship is for students who have financial need, are enrolled at least 6 credit hours, and deserve a chance to demonstrate success.

Amelia Roeder Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate)

This scholarship is for students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, have financial need, have been accepted into a degree program, and have a commitment to the healing professions.

Alba Luz Santiago Hernandez Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who have financial need, are accepted to a nursing degree program, women who are upgrading from LPN to an RN with a BSN - non-traditional, and are nominated by an AHU faculty or staff member. Preference is for students who are working at a Florida Hospital or its entities such as CentraCare or Hispanic students.

Alysia J. Anderson Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is for undergraduate students who have financial need and demonstrate a record of service, especially in the church setting. Students will be asked for a recommendation from their church pastor.

Barbara Santos Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00, have financial need, and are accepted in the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing.

Ben Field Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are academically qualified, have financial need, are accepted to a nursing degree program, and have a commitment to nursing as ministry.

Bussing Family Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are academically qualified, have financial need, and demonstrate a commitment to the nursing profession.

Carol Carson Standford Memorial Scholarship * (Graduate)

This scholarship is for female students who are enrolled in the Nurse Anesthesia program, have a minimum GPA of 3.7 and demonstrate financial need.

De Vol Trust Scholarship *

This scholarship is for students enrolled in the Radiologic Science program who are nominated by the faculty of the department.

Don and Helen Bradley Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate)

This scholarship is for students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and are in their second or more years of a nursing program. The scholarship is for tuition, books, and uniforms as required.

Dr. Philip and Jackie Littleford Scholarship *

This scholarship is for students who have strong general academic standing, are enrolled in a diagnostic medical sonography program, demonstrate financial need, and have a service record. Preference will be given to students in the diagnostic medical cardiovascular sonography program.

Emily Reeves Tremml Scholarship

This scholarship is for single mothers who have young children under six years of age for whom the applicant is legally responsible. The applicant must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.20 and have financial need.

Femmes de Coeur Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, have financial need, and are in their second or more year of a nursing program.

Florida Hospital Credit Union Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are Florida Hospital employees or dependents of a Florida Hospital employee. Students must have financial need, be accepted into an Associate or Baccalaureate program, and have a minimum cumulative college GPA of 3.00 on 12 or more college credits.

Frances and William J. Green Trust Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate)

This scholarship is for students who are academically qualified, have financial need, and demonstrate commitment to the nursing profession.

Hartman Access to Education Scholarship *

This scholarship is for highly motivated students from Orange, Seminole, or Osceola counties, are a sophomore or greater class standing, have a desire to serve in the healing professions, and have financial need.

Helen Beam Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are academically qualified, have financial need, and demonstrate a commitment to the nursing profession.

Helen Jeanne Hall Lippert Nursing Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who have attended 2 consecutive years and completed a total of 30 credits hours at the University, have declared and are accepted into a nursing major, demonstrate financial need, have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and are recommended bya professor.

Hubbell Family Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are highly motivated, are academically qualified, have financial need, and are in the second year of a health care program.

Independence for Life Scholarship * (Graduate)

This scholarship is for students who are accepted into the Occupational Therapy program at the graduate level, have a GPA of at least 3.0, demonstration significant financial need and show how this scholarship will contribute to their independence in life.

Irene A. Gale Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00, demonstrate financial need, accepted to a nursing degree program, be a first-generation college student, and be a single parent. Preference will be given to students whose background is Eastern Europe.

Jane Reynolds Crofton Scholarship

This scholarship is for undergraduate students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.20, have financial need and are accepted to a nursing degree program.  Nurses who are pursuing a graduate degree in healthcare administration may be eligible, but preference will be given to undergraduates.

Jean Gould Scholarship

This scholarship is for nursing students who have a good GPA and show outstanding leadership ability.

Jean W. Iles Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate)

This scholarship is for students who are academically qualified, demonstrate a commitment to the healing professions, and have financial need. Students who have a desire to attend AdventHealth University and then transfer to Southern AdventHealth University are also eligible.

Joseph L. Riley M.D. Scholarship (Graduate)

This scholarship is for students who are academically qualified, demonstrate financial need, admitted to the Certified Nurse Anesthesia program and demonstrate caring and altruism through service as a volunteer either through local programs or through international mission service.

Katie Pluta Franklin Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and are in the second or more years of a nursing program. Strong preference will be given to students who may have lost a spouse or an immediate family member due to sickness.

Mark Honska, MD Memorial SRNA Scholarship (Graduate)

This scholarship is for students who have a minimum GPA 3.7 are enrolled in the Nurse Anesthesia program and demonstrate financial need.

Marley and Beverly Soper Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, demonstrate a commitment to the healing professions, and have financial need. First preference will be given to those who are accepted into an Associate or Baccalaureate degree program.

Next Chapter Award

This award is for license, board or certification fees for students who have completed necessary requirements and have graduated or are eligible and about to graduate, be recommended by the program faculty, and demonstrate financial need.

Paula Curren Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who complete a minimum of 12 credits at AdventHealth University with a minimum GPA of 2.50. Strong preference will be given to students who may have lost a spouse due to sickness or have endured a financial hardship due to illness.

Pay It Forward Educational Scholarship *

This scholarship is for students who are highly motivated, dedicated, are academically qualified, have financial need, and contribute to society as health care professionals who practice health care as ministry.

Persons Family Finish Line Scholarship *

This scholarship is for students who are within two trimesters of graduation, have a strong work ethic and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to single parents.

Robert T. Hoover MD Memorial Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate)

This scholarship is for students who are enrolled, are academically qualified, have financial need, and are enrolled in a program that involves direct patient care.

Saliba Family Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate)

This scholarship is for students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50, have financial need, work to support themselves without parental or family support. This scholarship may be given to international students.

Seth Kite Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is for graduate students who achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.00, enrolled in the Occupational or Physical Therapy program, demonstrate financial need, and have a recommendation from the department chair or vice chair.

Shirley Grace Bordner Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are academically qualified, have financial need, and have one or more dependent children.

Soler Family Scholarship

This scholarship is for second-year nursing students who have a strong academic standing and have financial need.

Susan Cruze Scholarship

This scholarship is for sonography students who are academically qualified and who have financial need.

Susan J. Kintner Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are academically qualified, have financial need, and demonstrate commitment to the nursing profession.

Tony S. Keena Scholarship *

This scholarship is for students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00, are in the second year of the Radiography program, and choose and declare to abstain from tobacco usage.

Trent Tindell Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, have financial need, and are in their final year of the Radiography program. First preference will be given to students who are single parents.

Vivian Clark Esch Scholarship

This scholarship is for nursing students who are academically qualified and who have financial need.

William H. Coleman and the Rotary Club Scholarship

This scholarship is for second-year nursing students who are academically qualified and who have financial need.

Winter Park Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate)

This scholarship is for highly motivated students from Orange or Seminole county that are U.S. citizens, have a desire to serve in the healing professions, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, and have financial need.

*Annual or not yet activated

Veteran’s Certification

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. This school will not:

  • Prevent the student’s enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

  • Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class;
  • Provide a written request to be certified;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies

Admission to the University

Veterans of military service (and in some cases their spouses and specified dependents) may qualify for federal aid for educational programs. Those wishing to apply for such aid should prepare the following documents:

  1. Complete Form 22-1990 Application for Education Assistance. (Those who have previously been accepted for such benefits should complete Form 22-1995 Request for Change of Program or Place of Training.
  2. Submit the Member 4 copy of the DD-214, to show honorable discharge.
  3. Complete the AHU Veteran’s Responsibilities and Certification for Benefits Form.
  4. Complete the AHU Statement of Understanding Form - stating you understand these procedures.
  5. The following steps may be completed before or simultaneously with those in 1-4 above.
    • Complete an application to an undergraduate or a graduate program at AdventHealth University and provide the documentation thereof. Be sure to consult both the general admission requirements in this Catalog and specific prerequisites for the program you seek.

    • Submit the above documents to the Admissions Office and the Financial Aid office as indicated on the forms.

Applicants should receive timely notice regarding their applications for admission and/or for financial aid. In case of delay in this notice, the applicant should contact the Financial Aid office directly. Students receiving financial aid as military veterans should become familiar with the Rights and Responsibilities of all Financial Aid recipients as stated in this Academic Catalog. It is especially important that they understand the necessity of making satisfactory academic progress as they continue their study.

Satisfactory Progress

Veterans and other persons eligible to receive VA educational benefits must be aware of current policies that apply.

Satisfactory progress must be maintained according to the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards for Financial Aid Recipients. Veteran students enrolled in a program must meet the academic standards within that professional program. When a student is not eligible to receive financial aid because of not making SAP or not meeting that professional program’s academic standards, a request for termination of benefits will be forwarded to the appropriate VA regional office. Once students have raised their cumulative grade point average to the minimum and have successfully completed the required number of credits attempted, they will be recertified for Veteran’s Benefits.

Appeal procedures for a student receiving VA benefits are the same as those found under the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for financial aid recipients.

Certification will not be made for any course taken which does not directly apply to the program authorized by the VA.

The following are of specific concern to those students who desire VA Enrollment Certification:

  • Students pursuing the A.S. degree in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine Technology, or Occupational Therapy Assistant must achieve a minimum grade of “C” (2.00) in each professional and cognate course and have a cumulative GPA of 2.00.
  • Students pursuing the A.S. degree in Sonography must achieve a minimum overall GPA of 2.00 in general education courses with a minimum grade of “C” (2.00) in all cognates and a minimum grade of “C+” (2.30) in all sonography courses.
  • Students pursuing the A.S. degree in Pre-Professional Studies must achieve a minimum grade of “C” (2.00) on all math/science courses. Students must also achieve a minimum overall GPA of 2.50 with a minimum cumulative GPA 2.50 on all math/science courses.
  • Students pursuing the B.S. degree in Health Sciences or Biomedical Sciences must achieve a minimum grade of “C” (2.00) on all science and health science requirements. Students must also achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50.
  • Students pursuing the B.S. degree in Radiologic Sciences must achieve a minimum grade of “C” (2.00) at the end of each course. Students must also achieve a minimum baccalaureate degree program GPA of 2.50.
  • Students pursuing the B.S. degree in Sonography must achieve a minimum grade of “C” (2.00) at the end of each course.
  • Students pursuing the B.S. degree in Nursing Completion and the B.S. Nursing program must achieve a minimum grade of “C” (2.00) in all courses. Students must also achieve a minimum nursing GPA of 2.50 and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50.
  • Students pursuing an M.S. degree in Nurse Anesthesia must achieve a minimum grade of “B” (3.00) in each course. Students must also achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.
  • Students pursuing a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy must achieve a minimum grade of “B” (3.00) in each course. Students must also achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.
  • Students pursuing an M.S. degree in Healthcare Administration must achieve a minimum grade of “B-” (2.70) on all scheduled program courses.

VA Refund Policy

All students follow the same guidelines regarding the refund policy at AdventHealth University (Financial Information ).

Previous Training

Credit for previous training will be evaluated and granted, if appropriate, with training time shortened and tuition reduced proportionately. The U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs and the students are notified of the decision.

Financial Literacy Program

At AdventHealth University we are committed to advising our students to borrow wisely as loans will always have to be repaid.  AdventHealth University has partnered with Decision Partners and instituted a Financial Literacy Program as of November 2019.

The two groups required to take the courses are the:

First Trimester /First time attending AHU students: These students are required to take the Financial Basics course. This course can be accessed through:  The access code needed is AHU.  This must be completed during their first trimester with us prior to registering for the next trimester. This course covers the basic concepts required to effectively manage money while in college.

Graduating Students in their last trimester: These students are required to take the Financial Basics course as well as the Managing Student Loan Debt course, if they have borrowed from the Direct Loan program. If they have no loans, then the Financial Basics will still be required to be taken as a refresher to the concepts of effectively managing their money. This course can be accessed through: The access code needed is AHU-UG or AHU-GRAD if the first is not working.

A hold will be placed on both groups until the courses are completed. We verify completion by running reports which state the student’s information as well as their grades and the date the courses were completed.