Sep 15, 2024  
2023-2024 Employee Handbook 
2023-2024 Employee Handbook

19. General Information

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19.1 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
19.2 Appearance Standards Policy
19.3 Breaks
19.4 Breastfeeding Support Policy  
19.5 Campus Safety Manuals
19.6 Children on Campus Policy
19.7 Communicable Disease Policy
19.8 Computer Policy
19.9 Confidentiality Agreement

19.10 Editorial Policy
19.11 Food Service
19.12 Hazardous Material Policy
19.13 Hiring of Relatives Policy
19.14 Immunizations and Screenings
19.15 Intellectual Property Policy
19.16 Parking Policy
19.17 Sabbath Observance
19.18 Service Animal Support Policy
19.19 Tobacco, Alcohol, Drug and Legally Obtained Substances Policy

19.1 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Advent Health University has accommodated and will continue to reasonably accommodate, employ, and promote qualified individuals with disabilities under the same guidelines and policies as other applicants and employees. 

19.2 Appearance Standards Policy

See Appearance Standards Policy.

If faculty or staff are attending meetings, workshops, or other events at AdventHealth, the AdventHealth Appearance Standards Policy (CW HR 268) must be followed.  

19.3 Breaks

View Rest and Meal Breaks and Leaving Work Areas Policy HRC 503.004 and CW HR 110 Rest Breaks and Meal Breaks Policy.  

19.4 Breastfeeding Support Policy

Please refer to the AdventHealth Handbook for details (accessed through the Hub). 

19.5 Campus Safety Manuals

Refer to the R Drive under Safety for the Denver and Orlando Manuals.

19.6 Children on Campus Policy

See Children on Campus Employee Policy.

19.7 Communicable Disease Policy

It is the policy of the AdventHealth University (AHU) to identify and notify in a timely manner, individuals who may have been exposed to a communicable disease at AHU, AdventHealth campuses, Denver, or affiliated clinical sites.  An exposure is defined as the sharing of air or contact with a person know to have a communicable disease readily spread by casual contact including, but not limited to, chicken pox, H1N1 virus, tuberculosis, etc.

Employees with a communicable disease are encouraged to isolate themselves during the infectious period of the illness.

AHU will not disclose the identity of any employee who has a communicable disease, except when authorized by law.

19.8 Computer Policy

A single computer is provided to members of the faculty and staff at AHU to perform daily tasks in support of the mission of the University.  To ensure that information flow between all parties is as smooth as possible, and to reduce computer maintenance complexity, a standard hardware and software configuration is utilized.  The configuration will be based on current technology, and will be updated as necessary.

All hardware and software purchased with University funds are the property of AHU.

The computer used by faculty or staff and its contents are the sole property of AHU.  Files should be stored on the provided network drives or approved cloud storage and copied out of them to the local drive only as needed for offline or off campus work. The user is responsible for any personal files saved exclusively to the local drive, and is encouraged to back them up on the provided network drives regularly. 

The faculty/staff computers will be configured for faculty/staff use on campus.  Users will encounter different environments if they have laptops-such as wireless networks at home, direct cable connections in hotels, or wireless connections while traveling.  This requires each user to be aware of these environments and know and understand how to adapt their laptop to them.

The University maintains software licenses and agreements for the standard software products installed on University computers.  Any other software installed on the University machines must be legally acquired, properly licensed and will be the sole responsibility of the user for its support.  Be aware that software purchased by the user for use on the University’s computers must be compatible with the computer’s operating system and may slow down or otherwise reduce the effectiveness of the computer. This is especially true if it requires a large amount of disk space or system memory to operate.  IF needed, requests can be made to the Information Technology Department (IT) to install programs. IT may choose to grant some users local administrative rights. However, if those rights are improperly utilized, for instance to interfere with the operation of the installed AntiVirus, or to install programs containing viruses, malware, etc. IT may revoke them at any time.

The IT Department at AHU grants access to the University network for current faculty and staff. Accounts will be disabled on the last day of an employee’s service at AHU.  Account passwords should not be shared. 

AHU reserves the right to monitor network and Internet traffic. If there is probable cause for a more in-depth monitoring of a system, the Department Supervisor will notify the Human Resources Department. If it is deemed necessary to monitor computer activities, such as Internet use and e-mail, approval for such a request will come from the Human Resources Department. University IT will commence the process only after approval is received from the Human Resources Department.

19.9 Confidentiality Agreement

I acknowledge that during the course of performing my assigned duties at AdventHealth University, I may have access to, use, or disclose confidential information. Federal laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), state regulations, licensure requirements, and practice acts detail the use of specific information related to healthcare and educational settings and professional behaviors. I hereby agree to handle such information in a confidential manner at all times during and after my employment at the University and commit to the following obligations: 

  • I will use and disclose confidential information only in connection with and for the purpose of performing my assigned duties. 
  • I will request, obtain or communicate confidential information only as necessary to perform my assigned duties and shall refrain from requesting, obtaining, or communicating more confidential information than is necessary to accomplish my assigned duties. 
  • I will take reasonable care to properly secure confidential information on computers and will take steps to ensure that others cannot view or access such information. When I am away from the workstation or when my tasks are completed, I will log off my computer or use a password-protected screensaver in order to prevent access by unauthorized users. 
  • I will not disclose my personal password(s) to anyone, or record or post it in an accessible location, and will refrain from performing any tasks using another’s password. 

I understand that as an employee of AHU, the use and disclosure of patient/student/employee information is governed by the rules and regulations established under HIPAA, FERPA, and related state and federal policies and procedures in addition to the policies and procedures of AHU. Therefore, with regard to confidential information, I commit to the following additional obligations: 

  • I will use and disclose confidential information solely in accordance with state, federal, and University policies set forth above or elsewhere. I also agree to familiarize myself with any periodic updates or changes to such policies in a timely manner. 
  • I will immediately report any unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information that I become aware of to the appropriate supervisor. 

I also understand and agree that my failure to fulfill any of the obligations set forth in this agreement and/or my violation of any terms of this agreement shall result in my being subject to appropriate state, federal and University disciplinary action. 

19.10 Editorial Policy

To ensure the quality of its documents and publications, AHU requires that all written materials produced for publication or for distribution under the University brand must adhere to the policies stated in the AHU Branding Guidelines. The AHU Branding Guidelines can be found at:*. All written material for publication in both electronic and print media, under the University logo, must be submitted for approval to Marketing. 


  1. Each department of the University will select an individual with strong writing skills from within that department to provide initial editorial help with its publication/documents. 
  2. Promotional materials, admission letters, etc., should be forwarded to the relevant department Chair. 
  3. The edited materials are then submitted to the Marketing office for review and final editing. 
  • If the University logo or crest is used, approval from Marketing must be obtained.  

*Please note: AHU Branding Guidelines are subject to change 

19.11 Food Service

The N.E.S.S. Café located in the Campus Center offers a variety of food items. AdventHealth Orlando offers full meal options at a 15% discount for students and University employees with a valid AHU identification card. Vendor items are not discounted.

19.12 Hazardous Material Policy

 It is the policy of AdventHealth University to provide and maintain a Hazard Communication Program as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Code of Federal Regulations Title 29 Part 191 0.1200 “Hazard Communication’ and by the “State of Florida Statutes,” Chapter 442, “Right-To-Know” laws. The purpose of this policy is to insure that faculty, staff, and students working with hazardous materials are well informed of the hazardous materials present in the work place and the safe handling of those materials.

The University contains a variety of chemicals and other materials that may pose a potential health risk to those working with or around them. Employees and supervisory personnel must take the necessary steps to train employees and students to be aware of what materials are present in their area, how to protect themselves from exposure, and the proper methods for safe handling and disposal. Although Right-To-Know laws are specifically directed toward hazardous (chemical, radiation, compressed gas, asbestos, etc.) substances and not bio-hazardous (blood and body fluids) material, all other potentially hazardous materials, including bio-hazardous, should be looked at in a similar manner.

19.13 Hiring of Relatives

It is the policy of AdventHealth University to assure that all employees are hired, promoted, and supervised on the basis of individual merit and to prevent the showing of favoritism toward a relative.  If it is deemed appropriate to employ an employee’s relative, the employee cannot make or take any action to influence the decision to employ another relative, supervise or manage the work or responsibility of another relative or make or take any action to influence any decisions related to another relative’s compensation, evaluation of performance, or disciplinary actions.

Refer to the Code of Conduct - Hiring Relatives Policy.

19.14 Immunizations and Screenings

All incoming employees should bring current immunizations records to their health clearance appointment.  The immunizations/screenings required for employment at the University include: Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR), Tetanus-Diphtheria, Varicella (Chicken Pox) titer or vaccine.  Individuals who do not comply with the immunization requirements will not be offered employment.

All employees working in a clinical environment must have the tuberculosis screening and the mask fit test. The required tuberculosis screening test is the Quantiferon or the PPD test.   A chest x-ray is necessary when a person has had a positive result. Employees must present annual verification of tuberculosis screening to their supervisor by their anniversary date.  An employee who has tested positive will complete the Health Review form in the subsequent years.

In addition to the annual tuberculosis screening, the Hepatitis B vaccination is strongly recommended for employees involved in a clinical setting. Any employee who does not wish to take the hepatitis B vaccination is required to sign a declination statement stating they decline the vaccine, but understand they may return to Centra Care at any time for the vaccine. 

Hepatitis Declination: I understand that due to the occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials, I may be at risk of acquiring Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. However, I decline Hepatitis B vaccination at this time. I understand that by declining or not completing the series of this vaccine, I may be at risk for acquiring Hepatitis B. I understand that I may return to Centra Care at any time for the vaccine.*

Employees with a communicable disease are encouraged to isolate themselves during the infectious period of the illness.

University employees are subject to AdventHealth employment policies. See AdventHealth policy 815.033 and AdventHealth policy 815.036 for further details. Requirements for the immunizations and screenings are based on the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Employees with questions may refer to the CDC website at

*If the Hepatitis B vaccine is declined, a signed copy of this form should be returned to the Department Chair or Supervisor and one copy kept by the employee.

19.15 Intellectual Property Policy

See Intellectual Property Policy 

19.16 Parking

Parking spaces on campus are limited. All employees are to obtain and display the correct decal and or parking pass.  All vehicles parked on campus without the appropriate decal or parking pass or in a parking area to which he/she is not assigned will be considered illegally parked.  Illegally parked vehicles on campus will result in $50 fine payable within 15 business days of issue.  A second offense within a trimester will result in the vehicle being towed from campus at the owner’s expense.  Access the Parking Policy.

19.17 Sabbath Observance

In keeping with the Seventh-day Adventist belief of the sanctity of the Sabbath, AHU gives special emphasis to the Sabbath hours (sundown Friday evening to sundown Saturday). All on-campus work activity is suspended during this period and may resume after sunset on Saturday evening. There are however, worship activities, for example, Restore and occasional faculty and staff worship activities on campus. Campus offices are closed from 3:00 p.m. Friday until 8:00 a.m. Monday.

19.18 Service Animal Support Policy

Service animals are allowed on campus as established by the Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA).   A service animal is defined by the (ADA) as a dog and/or miniature horse individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability.  Animals that are not trained to perform tasks that mitigate the effects of a disability, including animals that are used purely for emotional support, are not service animals.

For more detailed policy information see AdventHealth CW HR 252 Assistance Animals as a Disability Accommodation and CW HR 251 Reasonable Accommodations.

19.19 Tobacco, Alcohol, Drug and Legally Controlled Substances Policy

AdventHealth University has established a policy on tobacco, alcohol, and drugs with the purpose of protecting and improving the health and wellbeing of the campus community.  AHU requires all students and employees to observe local, state and federal laws governing the possession, use, and furnishing of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs and failure to do so is prohibited.  Therefore, it is important for students and employees to review the policy and expectations in full by visiting the Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Policy.