Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Policies & Procedures

Active Military Duty Policy

Any student called to active duty from the reserves of any branch of the military or the National Guard will receive special consideration from the University to ensure a smooth transition. Students should notify their department chair and submit a copy of the military orders. The length of service should be defined when possible. A full refund of tuition and fees for the current trimester will be granted.

Upon returning to the University, the student should provide documentation that he or she has been released from active duty. He or she must meet with their department chair to outline a new curriculum plan, based on individualized learning needs and the length of time required to complete the program. 

Children on Campus

Students (parent/guardian) are not allowed to bring their minor children to campus. This includes taking their child to class. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the student’s Department Chair in which case the Child on Campus Exemption Form must be completed.  The Department Chair needs to notify the Security Officer and the Dean of Students. The following cases are allowed:

  • The student is going to be on campus for a brief period of time.
  • The University sponsors an event to which children are invited.

Children on campus must be under the direct supervision of the parent or guardian at all times. The full policy and relevant procedures can be found by visiting the Children on Campus Student Policy.

Children on Shuttle Buses

Because of safety concerns, children will not be allowed to ride on the University shuttles. Students/employees who attempt to board the shuttle with their child(ren) will be asked to unboard.

The following exemption is allowed:

  • The University sponsors an event to which children are invited and shuttle service is utilized for transportation.

Children on the shuttle and on campus must be under the direct supervision of the parent or guardian at all times. The full policy and relevant procedures can be found by visiting the Children on AdventHealth University Shuttle Buses Policy.

Code of Conduct

AdventHealth University expects its students to be good citizens and act appropriately at all times. With that in mind, AHU prohibits the following:

  1. Dishonesty or knowingly providing false information to the University.
  2. Theft of, misuse of, or damage to University property or the property of another campus community member; possession of stolen property.
  3. Failure to comply with directions of University officials acting in the performance of their duties.
  4. Conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of yourself or others.
  5. Physical abuse of another campus community member or anyone else on University property.
  6. Fighting.
  7. Gambling for money or other things of value.
  8. Disorderly or disruptive classroom conduct.
  9. Behavior that interferes with the normal operations of the University.
  10. Unauthorized entry into or use of University facilities.
  11. Misuse or abuse of fire safety equipment including fire alarms, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers.
  12. Possessing firearms, and/or other weapons intended to inflict grave bodily harm.
  13. Violating the Student Computer Policy.
  14. Bullying.
  15. Making derogatory, defaming, threatening, or profane comments about campus community members on social media.
  16. Aggressive, offensive, and inappropriate language or behavior toward others campus community members.
  17. Manufacturing, distributing, possessing, or using illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia.
  18. Misusing legally obtained prescription drugs.
  19. Possessing, using, or being under the influence of alcohol on any AdventHealth University property or during a school-sponsored activity or event.
  20. Using tobacco in any form, including electronic cigarettes, on the University campus or during any school-sponsored activity or event.
  21. Hazing.
  22. Copyright infringement.
  23. Academic misconduct, including, but not limited to, cheating on examinations, plagiarism, fabrication, forgery, obstruction, multiple submissions, complicity, and misconduct in research assignments, computer misuse, and misuse of intellectual property.
  24. Unethical and unprofessional behavior.
  25. Discriminating against or harassing others on the basis of sex, race, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, color, national origin or ethnic origin.
  26. Sexual harassment, sexual violence/assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking (including cyber stalking).
  27. Soliciting, aiding, or inciting others to commit any of the above.


The University reserves the right to address other inappropriate behavior that does not clearly fall within the identified standards of conduct above.

Allegations of academic misconduct and/or unethical and unprofessional behavior will be addressed by the Academic Misconduct Procedures listed in the Academic Catalog.

Allegations of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault/violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking will be addressed by the Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy and Resolution Process A or Resolution Process B.

Other alleged violations of the Code of Conduct will be addressed pursuant to the Reports and Investigations section and Discipline Procedure, below.

Communicable Disease Policy


It is the policy of AdventHealth University (AHU) to identify and notify in a timely manner, individuals who may have been exposed to a communicable disease at AHU, AdventHealth hospital campuses, affiliated clinical sites.  An exposure is defined as the sharing of air or contact with a person known to have a communicable disease readily spread by casual contact including but not limited to chicken pox, H1N1 virus, tuberculosis etc.


It is the intent of AdventHealth University to provide a safe and healthy environment for students. The University complies with all pertinent state and federal statutes and regulations protecting the privacy and welfare of students at AHU.  As part of this commitment, the University has developed the following policy to address the issue of communicable diseases:

  1. A communicable disease is defined as a disease/illness that can be transmitted to other individuals.
  2. The immunizations/screenings required upon admission to a program/course with a clinical component include Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR), Tetanus-Diphtheria, Hepatitis B vaccine series, Varicella (Chicken Pox) titer or vaccine, and Tuberculosis (TB). All students must fulfill the Tuberculosis (TB) screening requirement upon acceptance to the professional or clinical program.  Depending on clinical facility requirements or a known exposure, additional TB screening(s) may be required. All students enrolled in a professional program must maintain TB screening compliance.
  3. The required TB screen is the PPD or Quantiferon test.  An initial chest x-ray is required for students who have a positive TB result or have had a TB vaccine.  An annual TB screening form is to be completed by the students’ healthcare provider in subsequent years.  Any further TB diagnostic testing or treatment will follow the CDC requirements based on the results of the annual screening form and will be at the discretion of the health care provider. 
  4. If students have any questions regarding the immunizations or screening tests, they may refer to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website at
Exposure Procedures
  1. If a student believes he or she has been exposed to, or exhibits signs and/or symptoms of, a communicable disease, he or she must contact the University faculty member and/or clinical coordinator responsible for the course within 24 hours of believed exposure.  It is also expected that the student will seek immediate medical care and keep faculty informed.
  2. A faculty or staff member who knows that a student is exhibiting symptoms of or has been exposed to a communicable disease, must notify the department chair and the Dean of Students in writing with an AHU Incident Report, within 24 hours.
  3. The incident report should include the following:
  • Date of exposure
  • Communicable disease/diagnosis
  • Location of exposure
  • Potential sites or persons exposed
  1. Any student diagnosed with a communicable disease must be isolated during the infectious period of the illness.Therefore, the student cannot continue to attend classes or clinical rotations, eat meals in public settings, or live in University housing.The University reserves the right to ask a student to receive medical care should the student exhibit signs or symptoms of a communicable disease.
  2. Any student with a communicable disease must obtain written medical clearance stating that he or she can return to campus and activities.This must be submitted to the student’s department chair before the student can resume activities.
  3. Written medical clearance must be submitted to the Dean of University Housing before the student can be allowed back into University housing.
  4. AHU will not disclose the identity of any student who has a communicable disease, except when authorized by law. Administration, faculty, and staff will maintain confidentiality and professionalism toward the individual(s) involved.

Communication Policy

AdventHealth University (AHU) employs three electronic modes of communication to meet the needs of its student population. Instructors will communicate in their syllabus their preferred method of communication with their students. This will vary from course to course. It is expected that all students will check these electronic modes of communications at least weekly. Students are held accountable for all information communicated to them through these systems.

  • Conclusive Advisor Communicator:  The Conclusive Advisor Communicator  is the official way to message your advisor. You will receive email notifications and notifications on the home page when you have new messages. To access Conclusive:
    • Log in to
    • Under Academics click on My Degree Audit.
  • AdventHealth University E-mail Account: AdventHealth University e-mail accounts will be used to inform students of upcoming events, such as social events, registration and application information, school closings, and department-specific communications.
  • E-Learning E-mail: The e-learning courseware management system includes an e-mail component which allows the members of the course and their instructors to communicate with each other. The instructors who utilize the e-learning courseware management systems will communicate in their syllabus to the preferred method of communication with their students. This may vary from course to course.

Reports and Investigations

All reports of a student allegedly violating the Code of Conduct are sent to the Dean of Students via an AHU Incident Report. The Dean of Students and/or designee will perform an inquiry and additional data collection, if necessary, into the reported violation. This includes discussing the situation with the student and other involved parties or witnesses and/or reviewing other related evidence.  The Dean of Students or designee will then determine whether a violation of policy has occurred and notify the student of the decision in writing.  If a determination has been made that a violation did occur, the Discipline Procedure will be invoked. 

Discipline Procedure

  1. When a student is found to have violated the Code of Conduct, a meeting with the Dean of Students will be arranged to discuss the violation.  The student may also be referred to the University Counselor or Chaplains for personal or spiritual support.

  2. The Dean of Students is responsible for determining the sanctions that will be imposed on the student for the violation. The Dean of Students may, in his/her discretion, refer the matter to the Citizenship Committee. If the Dean of Students determines sanctions without referring the matter to the Citizenship Committee, the decision is final and not subject to appeal. The student will be notified of the sanctions imposed in writing.

  3. If a matter is referred to the Citizenship Committee, the Dean of Students will provide information related to the investigation to the Chair of the Committee. The Chair will then convene the Committee and it will meet within seven (7) business days (during the academic trimester) of the referral from the Dean of Students.

  4. The following apply to the Citizenship Committee and its proceedings:
    • Membership: The Citizenship Committee is made up of members from faculty and staff as appointed by the President. In addition, chaplains are invited as non-voting members. 

    • Conflict of Interest: Members of the Citizenship Committee must recuse themselves from the process if they have a conflict of interest in the matter (or a reasonable third-party could perceive the Committee member as having a conflict of interest). For purposes of this section, a “conflict of interest” is described as a Committee member having a personal relationship with or previous interaction with the student (or alleged victim, if any) that could reasonably lead to a lack of impartiality in deciding the outcome.

    • Support person: The student may invite a faculty or staff member to accompany him/her to the meeting with the Citizenship Committee. The faculty or staff member acts as a support person and may not act as an advocate on behalf of the student.

    • Status of Student During Proceedings:  No action will be taken against the student until the Citizenship Committee has made a decision on the matter, unless the Dean of Students, or an appropriate member of the University administration determines that the nature of the incident warrants immediate removal from the institution. In such instances, alternate modes of communication will be used if the student is unable to appear in person at the Citizenship Committee meeting. (See Communication Regarding Discipline Procedures for AHU-Online Students)

    • Review and Decision Process: The Committee will study the materials provided by the Dean of Students, meet with the student, and render a decision relative to sanctions. The student has a right to meet with the Committee in person to present his/her case. If the student chooses not to meet with the Committee, the Committee will proceed with the information it has available. Committee decisions regarding sanctions are based on a simple majority. In the case of a tie, the chairperson will be the tie breaker.  

    • Notice of Decision:  The Chair will provide a written report to the student and the Dean of Students documenting the Committee’s decision and the Committee’s reasoning for reaching such decision.
  5. If the student disagrees with the Citizenship Committee’s decision, he or she may write a letter of appeal to the Dean of Students within five (5) business days of receiving the Committee’s report. The appeal letter must describe circumstances surrounding the situation and specifically state the reason(s) why the student believes the Citizenship Committee’s decision regarding sanctions was inappropriate. If the deadline passes without an appeal being filed, the Committee’s decision is final.

  6. If an appeal is timely filed, the Dean of Students will review the appeal and the Chair’s report. The Dean of Students may uphold, modify, or overturn the Committee’s decision on sanctions. The student will be notified of the decision within five (5) business days of the Dean of Students’ receipt of the letter of appeal. The decision of the Dean of Students is final.

A student who has been found to have violated AHU’s Code of Conduct may be subject to sanctions that include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Restitution

Students are required to compensate the University or other persons for damages, injuries, or losses. Failure to comply could result in suspension or dismissal.

  • Probation

There may be specific restrictions or extra requirements placed on the student for a specified period. These may vary with each case and may include action not academically restrictive in nature, such as restriction from participation in University activities or other requirements. Disciplinary action should be consistent with the philosophy of providing constructive learning experiences as a part of the probation. A student may be required to meet periodically with designated persons. Any further misconduct on the student’s part during the period of probation may result in disciplinary suspension or dismissal.

  • University Suspension

Suspension prohibits the student from attending the University. It prohibits the student from being present on specified University owned, leased, or controlled property without permission for a specified period of time. Students placed on University disciplinary suspension must comply with all suspension requirements. A student seeking to attend the University after the conclusion of his or her suspension may apply for readmission to the University.

  • University dismissal

Dismissal permanently prohibits the student from attending classes at the University and permanently prohibits the student from reenrolling at the University. 

Communication Regarding Discipline Procedures for AHU-Online Students

Students enrolled in an AHU-Online program are given communication options that can be used during the AHU discipline procedures where a meeting or hearing is indicated.

An Online Education student may choose:

  • To attend any or all meetings or hearings in person (travel expenses are the students’ responsibility).
  • To communicate or attend meetings via telephone.
  • To communicate or attend meetings via Internet protocol (IP) audio and video technology.

Communication methods chosen will be facilitated through the office of the Dean of Students.

Emergency Campus Closure Policy

AHU campus(es) are subject to emergency closure in situations such as natural disasters, man-made threats, pandemics or health crises, and/or other such major unforeseen events. The full policy and relevant procedures can be found by visiting the Emergency Campus Closure Policy and the Emergency Campus Closure Standard Operating Procedure.

Ethical and Professional Behavior

Students are expected to adhere to the ethical and professional standards associated with their programs, academic courses and professional licensing agencies. Such standards are generally communicated to students by instructors and are available through publications produced by professional organizations. Unethical or unprofessional behavior will be treated in the same manner as academic dishonesty.

Hazing Policy

AdventHealth University supports the right of enrolled students to be free from the threat or practice of hazing (on campus or online). Any student who engages in hazing or commits any act that intentionally or unintentionally injures, de-grades, or disgraces a fellow student may be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. Students who engage in acts of hazing subject themselves to potential criminal prosecution.

Health & Immunization Requirements

A. Students in a professional program requiring clinical practice must submit the following to Immunitrax, Complio, or Castlebranch*:

  • Up to date immunizations verifying the following:  Hepatitis B, MMR, Tetanus-Diphtheria, Varicella vaccine or proof of immunity (titer).  
  • Completion of the AHU Student Health Assessment Form.
  • Annual verification of tuberculosis (PPD) screening test.  If test is positive, refer to the Communicable Disease Policy.
  • Annual verification of the Influenza Vaccine for the current flu season (defined as October through March 31)
  • Annual verification of a successfully completed “FIT” test prior to the professional program deadline.
  • Verification of current certification in Basic Cardiac Life Support for the Health Care Professional by the American Heart Association.
  • Evidence of personal health insurance.   

B. Students involved in a Health and Biomedical program track or course requiring patient interactions must submit the following to Immunitrax, Complio, or Castlebranch*:

  • Up to date immunizations verifying the following:  Hepatitis B, MMR, Tetanus-Diphtheria, Varicella vaccine or proof of immunity (titer).  
  • Annual verification of tuberculosis (PPD) screening test.  If test is positive, refer to the Communicable Disease Policy.
  • Annual verification of the Influenza Vaccine for the current flu season (defined as October through March 31).

Students who wish to reside in University housing must also present the following:

  • Menomune/Menactra (Meningococcal Meningitis) OR
  • Sign a declination statement.

In addition to the above criteria, individual programs may have specific requirements which are listed in the individual program sections of the Academic Catalog.

*Immunitrax, Castlebranch, and Complio are utilized by AHU for immunization compliance depending on students’ campus and professional program.  Students will receive detailed instructions upon acceptance into their program.

Inclement or Severe Weather

On occasion, circumstances may require an emergency closing of AHU due to inclement weather. The President or his/her designee will make the decision to close the University at which time Campus Security will be contacted and the emergency notification system will be enacted to notify the campus population. (See Emergency Campus Closure Policy)

Jury Duty

The individual course instructor will make reasonable accommodations for any student required to fulfill jury duty obligations.  This includes providing additional time to complete assignments, tests, or quizzes missed during this absence.  Students should submit a copy of their jury duty notice to the course instructor.

Missing Student Notification Policy

It is the policy of AHU, through the collaboration of the Office of Student Affairs and Campus Security, to investigate any report of a missing student who is enrolled and attending classes at any AHU campus. This policy, with its accompanying procedures, establishes a framework for cooperation among members of the University community aimed at locating and assisting students who are reported missing.

All reports of missing students enrolled at the Orlando campus must be directed to the Office of Student Affairs at 407-303-8016; in these instances, AHU Campus Security, in conjunction with Student Affairs, will investigate each report and determine if further action is needed. All reports of missing students at AHU-Denver must be directed to the Chief Operating Officer at 407-765-6271; the Chief Operating Officer will lead the investigation of each report and determine if further action is needed. The full policy and relevant procedures can be found by visiting the Missing Student Notifcation Policy

Netiquette Guide for Online Courses

Communication using Web-based tools has created the need for a protocol called “netiquette” that encourages efficient and effective communication while discouraging abuse of e-mail, message boards, and other forms on electronic communication. It is important for students to review the policy and expectations by visiting the Netiquette Guide for Online Courses Policy.

New Student Orientation

All new undergraduate students are required to complete the online AHU New Student Orientation. Orientation for students on the Orlando campus is provided as an online course through Canvas, the University’s online learning management system.  Completing New Student Orientation is mandatory and students will not be able to register for classes if they fail to complete this important requirement. Additional information regarding New Student Orientation for current students can be found at or by contacting Josh Garrido, Dean of Students, at 407-303-8016 or

School Publication and Promotion Agreement

Students and employees are our best resources for promoting the AdventHealth University. By attending or accepting employment by the University, students and employees authorize the use and reproduction or publication of any images taken of them, without compensation. All images created become the property of the University. Every reasonable effort will be made to respect the privacy of those who request it.

Student Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal Policy

AdventHealth University supports the use of service animals and emotional support animals on campus by students with disabilities in appropriate circumstances and in accordance with this policy.  Those with questions about the use of service animals or emotional support animals should refer to this policy and/or contact the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator. The ADA/Section 504 Coordinator’s contact information is as follows: 


Phone: 407-303-1870

Office Location: Campus Center Building - 2nd Floor

The full policy and relevant procedures can be found by visiting the Student Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal Policy and Student Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal Standard Operating Procedure.

Social Conduct

Students attending a Christian institution are expected to be professional and courteous toward faculty, staff, and fellow students both on campus and online. Aggressive, offensive, and inappropriate language or behavior toward faculty, staff, or students is unacceptable (See Code of Conduct).

Social Media

Social media sites provide many positive opportunities for communication and connectivity. In keeping with the mission of the AdventHealth University, students are expected to use the social media sites for the development and maintenance of healthy relationships. Students should refrain from making derogatory, defaming, threatening or profane comments against fellow students, staff, faculty, and the University. Students found to be posting such comments are subject to disciplinary action by the AdventHealth University Citizenship Committee and/or prosecution from the state or federal government. All students attending AdventHealth University are encouraged to understand the risk of poor behavior both online and on campus and the personal legal ramifications of said behavior. AdventHealth University will vigorously pursue any reports of bullying, harassment, or stalking (see Student Bullying and Student Stalking).

Additional information regarding safe online behavior can be found at

Student Stalking

Stalking is defined as engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to:

  • Fear for his or her safety or the safety of others

  • Suffer substantial emotional distress.

AdventHealth University will vigorously pursue any reports of bullying, harassment, or stalking.  To report incidence of stalking, the student should file a written report with the AHU Compliance Officer:

Ana-Michelle Carrington

671 Winyah Drive, Orlando, FL 32803

(407) 303-5765

After a report is filed, the Compliance Officer will:

  • Contact Campus Security and alert them of the situation and recommend possible precautions.

  • Determine which, if any, federal or state statutes have been violated.

  • Notify the Dean of Students, if appropriate, of the violation and the disciplinary procedures as outlined in this handbook.

Student Bullying

At the collegiate level, “bullying-like” behaviors become a serious matter. These bullying-like behaviors are governed by federal and state statutes. To report an incidence of bullying, the student should file a written report with the AHU Compliance Officer:

Ana-Michelle Carrington

671 Winyah Drive, Orlando, FL 32803

(407) 303-5765


After a report is filed the Compliance Officer will:

  • Contact Campus Security and alert them of the situation and recommend possible precautions.

  • Determine which, if any, federal or state statutes have been violated.

  • Notify the Dean of Students, if appropriate, of the violation and the disciplinary procedures as outlined in this handbook.

Student Computer Policy

All University electronic communication systems, including, but not limited to facsimiles, computers, network file servers, network or system peripherals, computer data and program files, Internet, and software available to students are the property of the AdventHealth University and are intended for academic use only. It is important to remember that access to the Internet and shared system resources is a privilege and not a right.

In accordance with the Christian values of the institution, the following regulations apply to all AHU students regarding the use of the aforementioned systems. University Administration reserves the right to define and enforce the policies below:

  • AHU prohibits the illegal duplication of software and documentation. Software may not be installed on AHU computers or networks without the approval of an appropriate University representative.

  • Students are not permitted to use any code or password issued to another student or faculty member in order to access, view, or retrieve information from any computer, network file server, network or system peripheral, e-mail account, Internet site, computer or program file, either inside or outside the University’s network system. You agree and understand that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of passwords associated with any account you use to access the University services. Accordingly, you agree that you will be solely responsible for all activities that occur under your account. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password or of your account, you agree to notify the University IT Department immediately at 407-303-8100.

  • Students shall not gain or attempt to gain access to any electronic communication, e-mail account, and Internet sites, either inside or outside the University’s network system without specific authority or rights to such access. This includes any unauthorized and illegal peer-to-peer file sharing. (Florida Statutes, Title XLVI, Chapter 815, Section 815.04, H.R. 4137).

  • Students shall have no expectation of privacy regarding computer files, e-mail, or Internet usage. AHU reserves the right to monitor all computer files, e-mail and Internet use without prior notice to the student.

  • AHU may restrict or discontinue access to some or all Internet and/or network resources at any time without prior notice to students.

  • Students shall not download, view, store, or forward obscene, offensive, or illegal materials.

  • AHU prohibits the use of computers, Internet access, or any other electronic communication system in ways that are disruptive, offensive, or harmful to others. This misuse shall include, but is not limited to, ethnic slurs, racial comments, off-color jokes or anything which may be construed as harassment, disrespect of others or may lead to the creation of a hostile educational environment.

  • AHU prohibits its students from using its electronic communications system for commercial gain or profit or as an advertising medium for any non-AdventHealth University interest.

  • While AHU makes every attempt to ensure that systems are fully functional and error-free, it does not provide a guarantee or warrantee of any kind regarding system reliability.

  • AHU does not provide a guarantee or warrantee of any kind that any information obtained from its electronic communications system is correct and free of errors.

  • AHU is not responsible for any personal damage as a result of loss of data, inaccuracy of data, delays in processing of data or non-delivery of data over its electronic communications system.

  • AHU prohibits the use of its electronic communications system for any illegal activity.

Student Deportment and Dress Policy


AdventHealth University is a Christian-based institution where each student, faculty, and staff is valued as one of God’s unique creations. These are evidenced by the way in which students, faculty, and staff converse and conduct themselves. Therefore, members of the University should actively avoid cursing, inappropriate innuendos, and belligerent behaviors. Great care should also be taken to present oneself as a Christian professional within the area of dress. Below are guidelines that define everyday dress modesty as well as generally accepted professional dress expectations.


In keeping with the mission to educate healthcare professionals in a Christian environment, AdventHealth University requires that students not yet enrolled in professional programs dress modestly while attending classes on campus and dress professionally when representing the University in public. As students’ progress into professional programs, the dress code becomes more defined, requiring that students adhere to their program’s professional dress code as outlined in their department’s publications.

Modest Dress includes but is not limited to:

  • Garments that are made from opaque material (no see-through materials)
  • Shirt or blouse that covers midriff (no tank tops or spaghetti straps)
  • Skirts and dresses that come to or below the knee
  • Shorts that are at least mid-thigh in length
  • Undergarments that are covered
  • Proper-sized garments
  • Clothes in good repair
  • Clothes in good taste

Items to avoid:

  • Garments with inappropriate slogans or representations
  • Tight-fitting spandex-type garments (i.e. Leggings, biking shorts, etc.)
  • Clothes that do not completely cover cleavage and buttocks
  • Oversized, ostentatious earrings (body piercings should be covered and/or removed)

Professional Dress includes:

  • Suit or sport coat and dress slacks (for men)
  • Business suit (dress or pant) or a quality skirt and blouse ensemble (for women)
  • Collared shirt and tie (for men)
  • Dress shoes with coordinated socks (required for men) or nylons (optional for women)

Professional Program Dress: (see appropriate departmental dress code)

Faculty and staff members are empowered to speak with any student relative to his or her appropriateness of dress and/or deportment. It is expected that the student will follow such suggestions. Failure to follow given directives relative to dress and deportment may result in disciplinary action taken by the AdventHealth University Citizenship Committee.

Student Concern and Grievance Procedure

Students with concerns for which they are unsure of the applicable process or reporting mechanism may file their concern(s) with the Office of Student Affairs, using the Student Concern Form. Once the concern is filed, the Dean of Students will then communicate with the student to gain an understanding of the matter at hand.  

If the Dean of Students determines that another University procedure governs the situation (e.g., the Academic Appeal policy, the Discipline Procedure, the Title IX policy, etc.), the Dean of Students will act as a facilitator to ensure the information is directed to the appropriate University official. If the Dean of Students determines that no other University procedure governs the situation, the student will be encouraged to take appropriate steps to resolve the issue informally by discussing it directly with the individual(s) involved.

If informal resolution is not possible, or the issue was not resolved, the student may submit a Student Grievance Form to the Senior VP for Academic Administration. The Senior Vice President will investigate the matter, taking all steps deemed necessary based on the circumstances, and issue a written decision by certified mail to the student.  The decision of the Senior VP for Academic Administration is final and not subject to appeal.

State of Florida

To file a complaint against AdventHealth University to our State approval entity in Florida, please write a letter or send an e-mail containing the following information:

  1. Name of Student (or Complainant)
  2. Complainant Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Name of Institution
  5. Location of the institution (City)
  6. Dates of Attendance
  7. A full description of the problem and any other documentation that will support your claim such as enrollment agreements, correspondence, etc.

Complaints should be directed to:

Office of Articulation
Department of Education                   

Out-of-state online education students, who have completed the internal institutional grievance process and the applicable state grievance process, may appeal non-instructional complaints to the FL-SARA PRDEC Council. For additional information on the complaint process, please visit the FL-SARA Complaint Process Page

Student Insurance

All students enrolled in professional programs, which involve a clinical component are required to carry and maintain personal health insurance. Failure to maintain personal health insurance throughout the time enrolled in the professional program will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the program.

International Students

As part of the admission process, F-1 students must purchase health insurance or provide proof of current coverage. Students must maintain this health insurance coverage during their entire period of study at AdventHealth University.

Temporary Disabilities Policy

AdventHealth University recognizes that students may experience temporary injuries, illnesses, or other circumstances that impact their academics, resulting in the need for access to specific services and resources. The full policy and relevant procedures can be found by visiting the Temporary Disabilites Policy.

Title IX

Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

Below is a brief summary of the Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy and the Resolution Processes which can be accessed at  If there are any discrepancies between this summary statement and the full policy, the full policy will prevail.

Policy Statement

AdventHealth University (“University”) is committed to providing a learning, working, and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect in an environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex/gender.  The University considers Sex Discrimination in all its forms to be a serious offense.  Sex Discrimination constitutes a violation of this policy, is unacceptable, and will not be tolerated.

Sexual Harassment, whether verbal, physical, or visual, is always inconsistent with the mission and expectations of the University, and may constitute a form of Sex Discrimination and is in violation of this policy.  Sexual Harassment also includes Sexual Violence/Assault.  Definitions and examples of specific conduct that constitutes Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence/Assault are set forth in the Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy.


The Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy applies to administrators, faculty, and other University employees; students, applicants for employment, customers, third-party contractors, and all other persons that participate in the University’s educational programs and activities; this includes third-party visitors on campus (the “University Community”).  The University’s prohibition on Sex Discrimination extends to all aspects of its educational programs and activities, including, but not limited to, admissions, employment, academics, athletics, housing, and student services.

Reporting a Violation

A notice or complaint of an alleged violation of the policy should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, Ana-Michelle Carrington, or the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Katie Shaw (Denver Campus).  A notice or complaint can be verbal or in writing. Here is the online Title IX/Discrimination Reporting Form. The complaint should include:

  1. Date(s) and time(s) of the alleged sex discrimination
  2. Names of all persons involved, including possible witnesses
  3. Details outlining what happened
  4. Contact information for the complainant

All University employees have a duty to file a report or complaint with the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator when they believe or receive information indicating that a member of the University Community may have been subjected to conduct that constitutes prohibited Sex Discrimination.  Students are encouraged to file a report or complaint.

A person may also file a complaint of Sex Discrimination with the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding an alleged violation of Title IX by visiting or by calling 1-800-421-3481.

Investigation, Resolution, and Appeals

All complaints will be promptly and thoroughly investigated under the procedures outlined in Resolution Process A or Resolution Process B, and the University will offer and implement appropriate and supportive measures to the parties and take disciplinary and remedial action where appropriate.  The University will endeavor to conclude its investigation within thirty (30) business days of receiving it.  The complaint resolution processes are designed for fairness to both the complainant and respondent and are implemented by University personnel who receive annual training on relevant issues.  The complainant and the respondent will receive a Notice of Outcome after the investigation has concluded and a resolution has been reached, and both have the right to file a written appeal to the Title IX Coordinator within five (5) days of  the delivery of the Notice of Outcome.  Once an appeal is decided, the outcome is final.

Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Policy

AdventHealth University has established a policy on tobacco, alcohol, and drugs with the purpose of protecting and improving the health and wellbeing of the campus community. AHU requires all students and employees to observe local, state, and federal laws governing the possession, use, and furnishing of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs and failure to do so is prohibited. Therefore, it is important for students and employees to review the policy and expectations in full by visiting the Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Policy.

Screening Requirements

AdventHealth University (AHU) requires students to complete a background check once they are admitted into a professional program. This information is needed for participation in service learning projects and in clinical settings.

Students admitted into professional programs are expected to comply with the AHU background check, as well as the drug screening and immunization requirements. AdventHealth University alumni that have graduated from one program will be required to complete a new background check, if they pursue another program.  The student is responsible for all costs incurred during this process.

Registration holds will be placed for each screening requirement for all students as they are required. Each hold will be removed as it is satisfied. Background check reports or drug screening results from other sources will not be accepted.

Weapons Policy

Possession of firearms, and/or other weapons with capabilities to inflict grave bodily harm, are strictly prohibited while on the University Campus or properties leased, rented, or utilized for university purposes. Infraction of this policy will result in immediate dismissal from the Institution.