Feb 16, 2025  
2021-2022 Student Handbook 
2021-2022 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Ministries

Campus Ministries is dedicated to providing students with spiritual programs, resources, ministry opportunities, and especially prayer. Our purpose is to enhance your spiritual development while providing you with avenues for Christian fellowship. All are welcome to our worship and social events. Special programs and event details will be announced on flyers around campus, in your student planner, or on our social media sites. We encourage you to seek God’s plan for your life in the course of your journey at AHU.


Your University experience can be some of the most exciting years of your life; however, these years can also cause a lot of stress. During your journey here, you may be thinking about careers, a life partner, where to live, and where to work. As you embark on this new path, our doors at Andersen House will be open if you need someone to talk with, or a moment of peace. We will not pretend to have all the answers, but we are happy to listen, laugh, cry, and pray with you. We will help you explore your options and seek wisdom from God’s Word. We, as chaplains, are committed to being available to you and helping you to become successful on your journey.

Contact Us

Find us on Facebook! Become a friend of AHU Campus Ministries and keep up-to-date on all activities and events!

Office Phone:  (407) 303-9383

Facebook:      AHU Campus Ministries (group page)

Instagram:      @ahuministries


Chaplain Reynold Acosta


(407) 448-5335


Niesha Steinke


(407) 850-8815

Mission Trips

Campus Ministries offers you the opportunity to serve others both here and abroad.  Throughout the year, we offer various opportunities to serve in the local community as well as one major mission trip to Costa Rica. You can even elect to dedicate a whole year of your life to serving others as a student missionary. For more information on any of these opportunities, visit the Chaplains offices located in the Andersen House.

Prayer Breakfast

Every Wednesday at 7:30 a.m., students, faculty, and staff meet for a free breakfast, inspiring stories, and prayer. You are invited to begin your day with us in fellowship and worship.

Fill Your Cup

Fill Your Cup happens Monday mornings at 7:40 a.m. and to (Re)Fill Your Cup come on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:10 p.m. You are invited to join the chaplains for prayer time in Andersen House. Come share your concerns and praise reports as they pray for you and the campus as a whole.


Restore is a Friday night collegiate worship service for University students in Central Florida. We meet in Florida Hospital Church located on the corner of Orange Avenue and King Street in Orlando and at Andersen House during the summer term. The evening begins at 7:00 p.m. with dinner and fellowship followed at 8:00 p.m. by praise and worship music and a short message. This time is designed to help you Restore your heart, mind and body as you head in to the weekend and make some time to connect with God and each other..

Break Free

During the fall and spring trimesters, one day a month is devoted to growing together as a campus community through a time of spiritual renewal. All faculty, staff, and students are invited to break free from their usual routine and gather together for lunch as well as to singing, praying and inspiration from God’s word in the Campus Center Chapel.

Spiritual and Premarital Counseling

The Campus Chaplains are available for spiritual and premarital counseling. Stop by Andersen House or call 407-303-9383 to schedule an appointment. Recommended resources:

  • Prepare-Enrich - prepare-enrich.com
  • Five Love Languages - fivelovelanguages.com
  • Total Money Makeover - daveramsey.com

Online Bibles

Who are Seventh-day Adventists? (SDA)

As Christians practicing in the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination, our core beliefs are:

  • The Bible is God’s Word and still relevant to this generation.  It provides a moral Compass to navigate this life.  We believe its core truths are timeless, transcending gender, generation, ethnicity, and cultures.
  • Jesus Christ was an authentic historical fact.  He is the son of God incarnate.  His birth, life, death, & resurrection are the center of every doctrine and ethic we embrace.
  • People are primary and matter most to God.  He values us and desires to spend time with us and relate in a personal way.  The concept of Sabbath, the 2nd Coming, and after-life are examples of that fact.
  • God loves us and gives purpose to our life here on earth.  We are not simply an act of random chance or mathematical equation.  We were designed, created, and empowered to reflect His glory.
  • God loves us and the quality of our lives is important to Him.  Jesus said, I give you life and life abundantly.  Our bodies are the temple where God loves to reside and because of that, we are urged to treat them well.

For more information on SDA beliefs, contact our campus chaplains or visit www.adventist.org.  The University also offers a one-hour religion course on Adventist Beliefs and Practices (RELT 150). 

Worship Services

Every Saturday morning, worship services are held at many Seventh-day Adventist churches in the Orlando area. Live or archived services can be viewed at the following links:

Z88.3 FM

“Positive Hits” from Central Florida’s Christian Radio, Z88.3